
कर्पूर गौरम करुणावतारम मंत्र (Karpur Gauram Karunavtaram)

हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें.

कर्पूरगौरं करुणावतारं संसारसारं भुजगेन्द्रहारम् ।
सदा बसन्तं हृदयारबिन्दे भबं भवानीसहितं नमामि ।।

महामृत्युंजय मंत्र पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करें.

मंत्र का अ​र्थ

कर्पूर जैसे गौर वर्ण वाले, करुणा के अवतार, संसार के सार, सर्प का हार धारण करने वाले, वे भगवान शिव शंकर माता भवानी के साथ मेरे हृदय में सदा निवास करें।

विष्णु सहस्रनामम स्तोत्रम के लिए क्लिक करें.

मंत्र के फायदे : इस मंत्र का नियमित पाठ करने से भगवान शिव की विशेष कृपा और आशीर्वाद मिलता है और दुखों से मुक्ति मिलती है.

कब करे मंत्र का जाप

इस मंत्र का जाप आप प्रातः काल या संध्या आरती के समाये कर सकते है या जब भी कभी आप मुसीबत में है तो भी इस मंत्र का जाप कर सकते हैं.

श्री कृष्ण वासुदेव मंत्र पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें.

वक्रतुंड महाकाय गणेश मंत्र के लिए क्लिक करें.

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ॐ ऐं श्रीं भाग्योदयं कुरु कुरु श्रीं ऐं फट्।। (Om Aim Shreem Bhagyodayam Kuru Kuru Shreem Aim Phat)
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कालभैरव अष्टकम (Kaal Bhairav Ashtakam)
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ॐ दुं दुर्गायै नमः (Om Dum Durgayei Namaha)
रुद्र हनुमान मंत्र – ॐ नमो हनुमते रुद्रावताराय मंत्र (Rudra Manuman mantra – Om namo hanumate udravataraya mantra)July 4, 2024Chalisaॐ नमो हनुमते रुद्रावताराय सर्वशत्रुसंहारणाय। सर्वरोग हराय सर्ववशीकरणाय रामदूताय स्वाहा॥ यह मंत्र हनुमान जी को समर्पित है, इस मंत्र से सभी शत्रुओं का नाश होता है और रोग भी ठीक हो जाते हैं। मंत्र का हिंदी में अर्थ: हे हनुमान, आप रुद्र के अवतार और राम के दूत हैं। अपनी कृपा दृष्टि से हमारे सभी शत्रुओं का नाश करें, सभी रोगों को दूर करें। हे राम के दूत, हम आपसे प्रार्थना करते हैं कि आपकी कृपा से हमें अपने सभी कार्यों में सफलता और यश मिले। हे संकटमोचन देव, हम आपको प्रणाम करते हैं। रोगों और समस्याओं के निवारण का मंत्र सृष्टिस्थितिविनाशानां शक्ति भूते सनातनि मंत्र गर्भ संस्कार मंत्र गर्भ रक्षा महामंत्र ॐ अन्तरिक्षाय नमः मंत्र Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
रुद्र हनुमान मंत्र – ॐ नमो हनुमते रुद्रावताराय  मंत्र (Rudra Manuman mantra – Om namo hanumate udravataraya mantra)
ॐ अन्तरिक्षाय नमः मंत्र (Om Antarikshaya Namah Mantra)June 17, 2024Chalisaॐ अन्तरिक्षाय नमः या अन्तरिक्षाय स्वाहा मंत्र यह इच्छापूर्ती मंत्र है इस मंत्र का नियम अनुसार जाप या पाठ करने से मनुष्यों की सभी इक्छा पूरी होती है. इस मंत्र में अंतरिक्ष का आवाहन किया जाता है और अंतरिक्ष के देवता भगवान गणेश को माना जाता है तो इस मंत्र में भगवान गणेश का ध्यान किया जाता है. इस मंत्र को ॐ अन्तरिक्षाय नमः मंत्र या अन्तरिक्षाय स्वाहा मंत्र भी कहते हैं और दोनों ही मंत्र मनोकामना पूर्ति के लिए जाप किये जाते हैं। ॐ अन्तरिक्षाय नमः या अन्तरिक्षाय स्वाहा मंत्र लाभ : इस मंत्र के जाप से भक्तों की सभी इच्छाएं पूरी होती हैं, यह मंत्र भगवान गणेश को समर्पित है और इस मंत्र में भगवान गणेश को आकाश या ब्रह्मांड के देवता के रूप में पूजा जाता है और अपनी मनोकामना पूर्ति के लिए कहा जाता है। 11:11 बजे तक ओम अन्तरिक्षाय नमः मंत्र का जाप करें : ऐसा माना जाता है कि यह ब्रह्माण्ड 24 घंटे में एक बार सभी की मनोकामना पूर्ति के लिए जागृत अवस्था में रहता है। यदि इस समय मंत्र का जाप किया जाए तो मनोकामना अवश्य पूरी होती है। यह समय रात को 11:11 बजे का है अगर आप रात्रि में 11:11 बजे एक कोरे कागज में अपनी इच्छा लिखकर 11 बार इस मंत्र का जाप करते हैं तो आपकी इच्छा जरूर पूरी होगी। ॐ हं हनुमते नमः मंत्र जयन्ती मङ्गला काली भद्रकाली कपालिनी मंत्र श्री राम रामेति रामेति मंत्र माँ लक्ष्मीजी जी की आरती सरस्वती मां की आरती, ॐ जय सरस्वती माता Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
ॐ अन्तरिक्षाय नमः मंत्र (Om Antarikshaya Namah Mantra)
गर्भ रक्षा महामंत्र (Garbha Raksha Mantra)May 21, 2024Chalisaॐ बालशिवाय विद्महे काली पुत्राय धीमहि तन्नो बटुक प्रचोदयात् इस मंत्र को बाल शिव मंत्र भी कहते हैं इस मंत्र का जाप करने से भोलेनाथ की कृपा प्राप्त होती है। यह मंत्र गर्भ में पल रहे शिशु के लिए बहुत ही शुभ फलदायक है। मन्त्र के लाभ : इस मंत्र को महिलाओ को गर्भस्था के समय करना चाहिए अगर वे इस मंत्र का गर्भस्था में नियमित जाप करती है तो उन्हें भोलेनाथ की कृपा और आशीर्वाद मिलता है। और इस मंत्र का जाप करने से एक सुशील और गुणवान संतान पैदा होती है। गर्भवती महिलाओं को इस मंत्र का जाप ९ माह तक नियमित करना चाहिए, इस मंत्र का जाप करने वाली स्त्रियों के गर्भ की रक्षा स्वयं भगवान शिव करते हैं। ॐ बागेश्वराय वीर वीराय हूँ फट स्वाहा, इस मंत्र को पढने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें रोगों और समस्याओं के निवारण का मंत्र, इस मंत्र की जानकारी के लिए क्लिक करें। जयन्ती मङ्गला काली भद्रकाली कपालिनी मंत्र click here भगवान शिव की मनोकामना पूरी करने वाली आरती। अंबे माता की आरती के लिए यहां पर क्लिक करें। Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
गर्भ रक्षा महामंत्र (Garbha Raksha Mantra)
गर्भ संस्कार मंत्र (Garbh Sanskar Mantra)May 3, 2024Chalisaऊं देवकी सुत गोविंद वासुदेव जगत्पते. देहि मे तनयं कृष्ण त्वामहं शरणं गत:  मंत्र के फायदे : इस मंत्र का जाप गुणवान संतान प्राप्ति के लिए किया जाता है। इसके जाप से भगवान कृष्ण के समान संतान की प्राप्ति होती है। अगर आप गुणवान और स्वस्थ संतान चाहती हैं तो गर्भावस्था के दौरान रोजाना एक बार इस मंत्र का जाप करें। मान्यता है कि इससे कृष्ण जैसी संतान का जन्म होता है। मंत्र का जाप कब करें ? गर्भवती महिलाओं को गर्भावस्था के 9 महीनों तक रोजाना भगवान गणेश के सामने इस मंत्र का जाप करना चाहिए। मंत्र की संख्या 108 रखें। प्रसव का समय नजदीक आने पर इसकी संख्या बढ़ा दें। Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
गर्भ संस्कार मंत्र (Garbh Sanskar Mantra)
ॐ बागेश्वराय वीर वीराय हूँ फट स्वाहा (Om Bageshwaraya VeerVeeraya Hum Fat Swaha)March 11, 2024Chalisaॐ बागेश्वराय वीर वीराय हूँ फट स्वाहा यह मंत्र बागेश्वर धाम बालाजी (हनुमान जी) को समर्पित है। इस मंत्र के जाप से भक्तों को बालाजी भगवान की कृपा मिलती है और उनके कष्टों का अंत हो जाता है। मंत्र को कब जाप करें इस मंत्र को आप कभी भी जाप कर सकते हैं जब भी ऐप चाहे लेकिन सुबह ब्रम्ह मुहूर्त में जाप करने से ज्यादा फायदा होगा। इस मंत्र को 108 बार जाप करने से चमत्कारी फायदे होते हैं। Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
ॐ बागेश्वराय वीर वीराय हूँ फट स्वाहा (Om Bageshwaraya VeerVeeraya Hum Fat Swaha)
श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी, हे नाथ नारायण वासुदेवा (Shri Krishna Govind Hare Murari, Hey Nath Narayan Vasudeva)March 4, 2024Chalisaयह भजन भगवान कृष्ण को समर्पित है और इसमें श्री कृष्ण की महिमा का गान किया गया है। इस भजन में कृष्ण के जन्म, यवावस्था और गीता उपदेश को भजन के माध्यम से बताया गया है। सच्चिदानंद रूपाय विश्वोत्पत्यादिहेतवे,तापत्रय विनाशाय श्री कृष्णाय वयं नम: ॥ श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी,हे नाथ नारायण वासुदेवा ॥हे नाथ नारायण…॥पितु मात स्वामी, सखा हमारे,हे नाथ नारायण वासुदेवा ॥हे नाथ नारायण…॥॥ श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी…॥ बंदी गृह के, तुम अवतारीकही जन्मे, कही पले मुरारीकिसी के जाये, किसी के कहायेहै अद्भुद, हर बात तिहारी ॥है अद्भुद, हर बात तिहारी ॥गोकुल में चमके, मथुरा के तारेहे नाथ नारायण वासुदेवा ॥ श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी,हे नाथ नारायण वासुदेवा ॥पितु मात स्वामी, सखा हमारे,हे नाथ नारायण वासुदेवा ॥ अधर पे बंशी, ह्रदय में राधेबट गए दोनों में, आधे आधेहे राधा नागर, हे भक्त वत्सलसदैव भक्तों के, काम साधे ॥सदैव भक्तों के, काम साधे ॥वही गए वही, गए वही गएजहाँ गए पुकारेहे नाथ नारायण वासुदेवा॥ श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी,हे नाथ नारायण वासुदेवा ॥पितु मात स्वामी सखा हमारे,हे नाथ नारायण वासुदेवा ॥ गीता में उपदेश सुनायाधर्म युद्ध को धर्म बतायाकर्म तू कर मत रख फल की इच्छायह सन्देश तुम्ही से पायाअमर है गीता के बोल सारेहे नाथ नारायण वासुदेवा ॥ श्री कृष्णा गोविन्द हरे मुरारी,हे नाथ नारायण वासुदेवा ॥पितु मात स्वामी सखा हमारे,हे नाथ नारायण वासुदेवा ॥ त्वमेव माता च पिता त्वमेवत्वमेव बंधू सखा त्वमेवत्वमेव विद्या द्रविणं त्वमेवत्वमेव सर्वं मम देव देवा॥ श्री कृष्णा गोविन्द हरे मुरारी…॥ राधे कृष्णा राधे कृष्णाराधे राधे कृष्णा कृष्णा ॥राधे कृष्णा राधे कृष्णाराधे राधे कृष्णा कृष्णा ॥ हरी बोल, हरी बोल,हरी बोल, हरी बोल ॥ राधे कृष्णा राधे कृष्णाराधे राधे कृष्णा कृष्णाराधे कृष्णा राधे कृष्णाराधे राधे कृष्णा कृष्णा ॥ Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी, हे नाथ नारायण वासुदेवा (Shri Krishna Govind Hare Murari, Hey Nath Narayan Vasudeva)
भूत-पिशाच निकट न आवे, महावीर जब नाम सुनावे (Bhoot Pisaach Nikat Nahi Aave Mahavir Jab Naam Sunave)March 2, 2024Chalisaभूत-पिशाच निकट न आवे, महावीर जब नाम सुनावे. यह चौपाइ हनुमान चालीसा से लिए गए हैं यहाँ पर राम भक्त हनुमान की महिमा और शक्ति का वर्णन किया गया है. इन चौपाइयों में बताया गया है हनुमान जी का नाम लेने मात्र से भूत और पिशाच भक्तों के पास नहीं आते है और भूत पिसाच का नाश हो जाता है. अर्थ श्री राम जी के प्रिय भक्त महावीर हनुमान का नाम लेने मात्र से भूत, पिशाच आदि नकारात्मक शक्तियां नजदीक नहीं आतीं। हनुमान चालीसा पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें भगवान शिव की मनोकामना पूरी करने वाली आरती। अंबे माता की आरती के लिए यहां पर क्लिक करें। Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
भूत-पिशाच निकट न आवे, महावीर जब नाम सुनावे (Bhoot Pisaach Nikat Nahi Aave Mahavir Jab Naam Sunave)
नासै रोग हरे सब पीरा, जपत निरंतर हनुमत बीरा (Nase Rog Hare Sab Peera Japat Nirantar Hanumat Veera)March 2, 2024Chalisaनासै रोग हरे सब पीरा, जपत निरंतर हनुमत बीरा ये चौपाई हनुमान चालीसा ली गई है इसमें बताया गया है कि हनुमान जी का नाम सुमिरन करने से भक्तों के सभी रोग दूर हो जाते हैं और वह निरोगी हो जाते हैं और सभी सभी कष्टों का अंत हो जाता है। अर्थ हे वीर हनुमान जी! जो आपका स्मरण करता रहता है, उसके सारे कष्ट दूर हो जाते हैं और सारे कष्ट दूर हो जाते हैं। Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
नासै रोग हरे सब पीरा, जपत निरंतर हनुमत बीरा (Nase Rog Hare Sab Peera Japat Nirantar Hanumat Veera)
सृष्टिस्थितिविनाशानां शक्ति भूते सनातनि मंत्र (Srishti Sthiti Vinashanaam Shakti Bhoote Sanatani Mantra)February 12, 2024Chalisaसृष्टिस्थितिविनाशानां शक्ति भूते सनातनि।गुणाश्रये गुणमये नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते॥ यह मंत्र देवी दुर्गा जिन्हें माँ आदि शक्ति कहते को ससमर्पित है. इस मंत्र को शक्ति प्राप्ति मंत्र भी कहते हैं इस मंत्र का जाप करने से शक्ति की प्राप्ति होती है. मंत्र का अर्थ जिसमें सृजन, पालन तथा संहार की शक्ति विद्यमान है तथा जो शाश्वत है।जो गुणों का आधार है और गुणों से भरपूर है; हे नारायणी, तुम्हें नमस्कार है। राम रामेति रामेति मंत्र पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें। मंत्र के फायदे इस मंत्र के प्रतिदिन जाप से देवी दुर्गा प्रसन्न होती है और मनवांछित फल देती है। लेकिन इसके लिए भक्त का आदमी साफ और पवित्र होना चाहिए। हनुमान जी चमत्कारी मंत्र को जानने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें। मंत्र का जाप कब करें इस मंत्र को प्रातःकाल पूजा के समय और शाम को आरती के समय जाप किया जा सकता है और अगर भक्त किसी समस्या में है तो वो इस मंत्र को किसी भी समय जाप कर सकता है। इस मंत्र को नवरात्रि के समय विशेष रूप से जाप किया जाता है। माँ लक्ष्मीजी जी की आरती लिए यहां क्लिक करें। Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
सृष्टिस्थितिविनाशानां शक्ति भूते सनातनि मंत्र (Srishti Sthiti Vinashanaam Shakti Bhoote Sanatani Mantra)
रोगों और समस्याओं के निवारण का मंत्र (Rogon aur Samasyaon ke Nivaaran ka Mantra)February 12, 2024Chalisaदेहि सौभाग्यमारोग्यं देहि मे परमं सुखम्।रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि॥ इस मंत्र को रोगो का नाश करने वाला और सुख प्रदान करने वाला मंत्र मन जाता है। इस मंत्र का जाप करने से भक्तों के सभी दुखों का अंत होता है और सुख और सौभाग्य की प्राप्ति होती है। यह मंत्र देवी दुर्गा जी को समर्पित है। सरस्वती जी की आरती पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें। मंत्र का अर्थ मुझे सौभाग्य और स्वास्थ्य दो। परम सुख दो, सौंदर्य दो, विजय दो, यश दो और काम, क्रोध आदि शत्रुओं का नाश करो। भगवान कार्तिके जी की आरती के लिए यहां क्लिक करें। मंत्र का जाप कब करें. इस मंत्र को विशेष तोर पर नव दुर्गा (नवरात्रि) के समय जाप किया जाता है। लेकिन भक्त चाहे तो इसे साल के किसी भी समय सुबह और शाम को दुर्गा पूजा के समय जाप कर सकते हैं। भगवान शिव की मनोकामना पूरी करने वाली आरती। अंबे माता की आरती के लिए यहां पर क्लिक करें। Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
रोगों और समस्याओं के निवारण का मंत्र (Rogon aur Samasyaon ke Nivaaran ka Mantra)
जयन्ती मङ्गला काली भद्रकाली कपालिनी मंत्र (Jayanti Mangala Kali Bhadrakali Kapalini Mantra)February 12, 2024Chalisaजयन्ती मङ्गला काली भद्रकाली कपालिनी।दुर्गा क्षमा शिवा धात्री स्वाहा स्वधा नमोऽस्तु ते॥ यह एक शक्तिशाली मंत्र है जो देवी दुर्गा को समर्पित है। यह मंत्र:नवरात्रि को जाप किया जाने वाला विशेष मंत्र है। इस मंत्र में नवदुर्गा के कई नाम का स्मरण होता है। इस मंत्र को जपने वालों को मनवांछित फल की प्राप्ति भी होती है। कर्ज से मुक्ति पाने का मंत्र जानने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें। मंत्र का अर्थ मां जगदम्बे जयंती, मंगला, काली, भद्रकाली, कपालिनी, दुर्गा, क्षमा, शिवा धात्री और स्वधा नाम से प्रसिद्ध हैं। में तुम्हें नमस्कार करता हुँ। राम रामेति रामेति मंत्र पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें। माँ लक्ष्मीजी जी की आरती लिए यहां क्लिक करें। Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
जयन्ती मङ्गला काली भद्रकाली कपालिनी मंत्र (Jayanti Mangala Kali Bhadrakali Kapalini Mantra)
ॐ हं हनुमते नमः मंत्र (Om Ham Manumate Namah mantra)December 16, 2023Chalisa / Uncategorizedॐ हं हनुमते नमः यह मंत्र हनुमान जी को समर्पित है। इस मंत्र के जाप से मनुष्यों को हनुमान जी की कृपा और आशीर्वाद मिलता है और उनके सभी कष्ट और बाधा दूर होती है। मंत्र के फायदे इस मंत्र के जाप से सभी भक्तों के भय का नाश होता है मन किसी भी प्रकार का भय या किसी व्यक्ति या नकारात्मक शक्ति का भय हो तो इस मंत्र का जाप करने से आपके सभी प्रकार का विनाश हो जाएगा। अगर का यह मंत्र जाप करेंगे तो आपकी शक्ति और समर्थ की प्राप्ति होगी। मंत्र का जाप कब करें वैसे तो आप इस मंत्र का जाप कभी भी कर सकते हैं लेकिन अगर आप इस मंत्र का जाप प्रातः काल में करें और मंगलवार के दिन करना ज्यादा अच्छा होगा।अगर आप किसी विपत्ति या संकट में हैं तो आप उस समय इस मंत्र का जाप करें और हनुमान जी का ध्यान करें आपके सभी कष्टों का निवारण हो जाएगा। Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
ॐ हं हनुमते नमः मंत्र (Om Ham Manumate Namah mantra)
श्री राम रामेति रामेति मंत्र (Shri Ram Rameti Rameti Mantra)December 16, 2023Chalisaश्री राम रामेति रामेति, रमे रामे मनोरमे ।सहस्रनाम तत्तुल्यं, रामनाम वरानने ॥ श्री राम रामेति रामेति मंत्र का अर्थ। राम राम का जाप बड़ा ही मनोरम है और मन को भाने वाला है और यह पवित्र राम नाम भगवान विष्णु के हजार नाम के बराबर है। यह भगवान शिव माता पार्वती को समझते हुए कही थी। यह मंत्र भगवान राम और उनकी महिमा को प्रदर्शित करता है। इस मंत्र का जाप करने से विष्णु सहस्रनाम के बराबर फल मिलता है। यह मंत्र संपूर्ण सहस्रनाम के बराबर माना गया है। इसे राम तारक मंत्र भी कहते हैं। मंत्र के बारे में कथा: इस मंत्र की एक अति रोचक और प्राचीन कथा है। एक बार भगवान शिव भोजन कर रहे थे और वह माता पार्वती जी के साथ भोजन करना चाहते थे। उन्हें माता पार्वती को भोजन के लिए बुलाया लेकिन पार्वती जी ने यह कहकर रुकने के लिए कहा कि वे विष्णु सहस्रनाम नाम का जाप कर रही हैं। कुछ देर बाद दोबारा बुलाने पर भी उन्होंने यहीं कहा कि वे विष्णु सहस्रनाम नाम का जाप कर रही हैं। भोजन में देर हो रही थी तब भगवान शिव ने माता पार्वती को यह मंत्र बताया था और कहा था राम नाम का जाप करने से विष्णु सहस्रनाम नाम के बराबर फल मिलता है। तब माता पार्वती ने राम रामेति रामेति मंत्र का जाप किया और फिर भगवान शिव और माता पार्वती ने भोजन किया। Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
श्री राम रामेति रामेति मंत्र (Shri Ram  Rameti Rameti Mantra)
माँ लक्ष्मीजी जी की आरती – ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता (Maa Laxmi ji ki Aarti – Om Jai laxmi Mata)October 24, 2023Chalisaओम जय लक्ष्मी माता, मैया जय लक्ष्मी माता।तुमको निशिदिन सेवत, हरि विष्णु विधाता॥ ओम जय लक्ष्मी माता॥ उमा, रमा, ब्रह्माणी, तुम ही जग-माता।सूर्य-चंद्रमा ध्यावत, नारद ऋषि गाता॥ओम जय लक्ष्मी माता॥ दुर्गा रुप निरंजनी, सुख सम्पत्ति दाता।जो कोई तुमको ध्यावत, ऋद्धि-सिद्धि धन पाता॥ओम जय लक्ष्मी माता॥ तुम पाताल-निवासिनि, तुम ही शुभदाता।कर्म-प्रभाव-प्रकाशिनी, भवनिधि की त्राता॥ओम जय लक्ष्मी माता॥ जिस घर में तुम रहतीं, सब सद्गुण आता।सब सम्भव हो जाता, मन नहीं घबराता॥ओम जय लक्ष्मी माता॥ तुम बिन यज्ञ न होते, वस्त्र न कोई पाता।खान-पान का वैभव, सब तुमसे आता॥ओम जय लक्ष्मी माता॥ शुभ-गुण मंदिर सुंदर, क्षीरोदधि-जाता।रत्न चतुर्दश तुम बिन, कोई नहीं पाता॥ओम जय लक्ष्मी माता॥ महालक्ष्मीजी की आरती, जो कोई जन गाता।उर आनन्द समाता, पाप उतर जाता॥ओम जय लक्ष्मी माता॥ Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
माँ लक्ष्मीजी जी की आरती – ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता (Maa Laxmi ji ki Aarti – Om Jai laxmi Mata)
Saraswati Mata Ki Aarti : सरस्वती मां की आरती, ॐ जय सरस्वती माताOctober 24, 2023Chalisaमाता सरस्वती को ज्ञान और संगीत की देवी माना जाता है और हिन्दू धर्म में देवी सरस्वती का विशेष स्थान है. इनकी पूजा और अर्चन से ज्ञान और बुद्धि में वृद्धि होती है और इसकी आरती करने से सभी प्रकार की ज्ञान और विद्या की प्राप्ति होती है. Saraswati Mata Ki Aarti : सरस्वती मां की आरती, ॐ जय सरस्वती माता ॐ जय सरस्वती माता, जय जय सरस्वती माता।सद्‍गुण वैभव शालिनी, त्रिभुवन विख्याता॥ चंद्रवदनि पद्मासिनी, ध्रुति मंगलकारी। सोहें शुभ हंस सवारी, अतुल तेजधारी ॥ जय….. बाएं कर में वीणा, दाएं कर में माला।शीश मुकुट मणी सोहें, गल मोतियन माला ॥ जय….. देवी शरण जो आएं, उनका उद्धार किया।पैठी मंथरा दासी, रावण संहार किया ॥ जय….. विद्या ज्ञान प्रदायिनी, ज्ञान प्रकाश भरो।मोह, अज्ञान, तिमिर का जग से नाश करो ॥ जय….. धूप, दीप, फल, मेवा मां स्वीकार करो।ज्ञानचक्षु दे माता, जग निस्तार करो ॥ जय….. मां सरस्वती की आरती जो कोई जन गावें।हितकारी, सुखकारी, ज्ञान भक्ती पावें ॥ जय….. जय सरस्वती माता, जय जय सरस्वती माता।सद्‍गुण वैभव शालिनी, त्रिभुवन विख्याता॥ जय….. ॐ जय सरस्वती माता, जय जय सरस्वती माता ।सद्‍गुण वैभव शालिनी, त्रिभुवन विख्याता॥ जय….. Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Saraswati Mata Ki Aarti : सरस्वती मां की आरती, ॐ जय सरस्वती माता
भगवान कार्तिकेय जी की आरती – जय जय आरती वेणु गोपाला (Bhagvan kartikeya ji ki Arti – Jai Jai Venu Gopala)October 23, 2023Chalisaमाता सरस्वती को ज्ञान और संगीत की देवी माना जाता है और हिन्दू धर्म में देवी सरस्वती का विशेष स्थान है. इनकी पूजा और अर्चन से ज्ञान और बुद्धि में वृद्धि होती है और इसकी आरती करने से सभी प्रकार की ज्ञान और विद्या की प्राप्ति होती है. भगवान कार्तिकेय जी की आरती (Bhagavaan kartikeya ji ki Arti). भगवान कार्तिकेय हिन्दू धर्म के एक भगवान है यह भगवन शिव के बड़े पुत्र और भगवन गणेश के बड़े भाई है. इनकी पूजा पूरे भारत में होती है लेकिन दक्षिण भारत में इन्हें ज्यादा पूजा ज्याता है इन्हे मुरुगन के नाम से भी जाना जाता है. जय जय आरती वेणु गोपालावेणु गोपाला वेणु लोलापाप विदुरा नवनीत चोरा जय जय आरती वेंकटरमणावेंकटरमणा संकटहरणासीता राम राधे श्याम जय जय आरती गौरी मनोहरगौरी मनोहर भवानी शंकरसदाशिव उमा महेश्वर जय जय आरती राज राजेश्वरिराज राजेश्वरि त्रिपुरसुन्दरि महा सरस्वती महा लक्ष्मीमहा काली महा लक्ष्मी जय जय आरती आन्जनेयआन्जनेय हनुमन्ता जय जय आरति दत्तात्रेयदत्तात्रेय त्रिमुर्ति अवतार जय जय आरती सिद्धि विनायकसिद्धि विनायक श्री गणेश जय जय आरती सुब्रह्मण्यसुब्रह्मण्य कार्तिकेय || Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
भगवान कार्तिकेय जी की आरती – जय जय आरती वेणु गोपाला (Bhagvan kartikeya ji ki Arti – Jai Jai Venu Gopala)
भगवान शिव की आरती – ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा (Bhagwan Shiv ki Aarti – Om Jai Shiv Omkara)October 22, 2023Chalisaभगवान शिव हिंदू धर्म के पूजनीय और प्रमुख भगवान हैं और इन्हें भोलेनाथ और शिव के नाम से भी जाना जाता है और यह अपने नाम की तरह ही भोले हैं। हाँ भक्तों की सभी मनोकामना पूरी करते हैं। यह आरती भगवान शिव पूजा और आराधना के लिए जाती है यह आरती शिवरात्रि, हर सोमवार और भक्त चाहे तो रोजना भी शिव प्रतिमा या शिवलिंग के सामने गा सकते हैं। शिव ओंकारा (Bhagwan Shiv ki Aarti – Om Jai Shiv Omkara) ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा,स्वामी जय शिव ओंकारा।ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, सदाशिव,अर्द्धांगी धारा ॥ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा॥ एकानन चतुराननपंचानन राजे ।हंसासन गरूड़ासनवृषवाहन साजे ॥ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा॥ दो भुज चार चतुर्भुजदसभुज अति सोहे ।त्रिगुण रूप निरखतेत्रिभुवन जन मोहे ॥ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा॥ अक्षमाला वनमाला,मुण्डमाला धारी ।चंदन मृगमद सोहै,भाले शशिधारी ॥ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा॥ श्वेताम्बर पीताम्बरबाघम्बर अंगे ।सनकादिक गरुणादिकभूतादिक संगे ॥ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा॥ कर के मध्य कमंडलचक्र त्रिशूलधारी ।सुखकारी दुखहारीजगपालन कारी ॥ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा॥ ब्रह्मा विष्णु सदाशिवजानत अविवेका ।प्रणवाक्षर में शोभितये तीनों एका ॥ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा॥ त्रिगुणस्वामी जी की आरतिजो कोइ नर गावे ।कहत शिवानंद स्वामीसुख संपति पावे ॥ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा॥ Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
भगवान शिव की आरती – ॐ जय शिव ओंकारा (Bhagwan Shiv ki Aarti – Om Jai Shiv Omkara)
अंबे जी की आरती (Ambe Ji Ki Aarti – Devi Durga Aarti)October 22, 2023Chalisaयह आरती गॉडेस दुर्गा को समर्पित है और इसे दुर्गा पूजा में गया जाता है खाशकर इस आरती को नवरातिर में गया जाता है. यह आरती गॉडेस दुर्गा को समर्पित है और इसे दुर्गा पूजा में गया जाता है खाशकर इस आरती को नवरातिर में गया जाता है. अंबे जी की आरती (Ambe Ji Ki Aarti): अम्बे तू है जगदम्बे काली, जय दुर्गे खप्पर वाली,तेरे ही गुण गावें भारती, ओ मैया हम सब उतारे तेरी आरती।तेरे भक्त जनो पर माता भीर पड़ी है भारी।दानव दल पर टूट पड़ो मां करके सिंह सवारी॥सौ-सौ सिहों से बलशाली, है अष्ट भुजाओं वाली,दुष्टों को तू ही ललकारती।ओ मैया हम सब उतारे तेरी आरती॥माँ-बेटे का है इस जग में बड़ा ही निर्मल नाता।पूत-कपूत सुने है पर ना माता सुनी कुमाता॥सब पे करूणा दर्शाने वाली, अमृत बरसाने वाली,दुखियों के दुखड़े निवारती।ओ मैया हम सब उतारे तेरी आरती॥नहीं मांगते धन और दौलत, न चांदी न सोना।हम तो मांगें तेरे चरणों में छोटा सा कोना॥सबकी बिगड़ी बनाने वाली, लाज बचाने वाली,सतियों के सत को संवारती।ओ मैया हम सब उतारे तेरी आरती॥चरण शरण में खड़े तुम्हारी, ले पूजा की थाली।वरद हस्त सर पर रख दो माँ संकट हरने वाली॥माँ भर दो भक्ति रस प्याली, अष्ट भुजाओं वाली,भक्तों के कारज तू ही सारती।ओ मैया हम सब उतारे तेरी आरती॥ Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
अंबे जी की आरती (Ambe Ji Ki Aarti – Devi Durga Aarti)
जय अम्बे गौरी – श्री दुर्गा जी की आरती (Jai Ambe Gouri – Shri Durga Ji ki Aarti)October 16, 2023Chalisaयह आरती गॉडेस दुर्गा को समर्पित है और इसे दुर्गा पूजा में गया जाता है खाशकर इस आरती को नवरातिर में गया जाता है. यह आरती गॉडेस दुर्गा को समर्पित है और इसे दुर्गा पूजा में गया जाता है खाशकर इस आरती को नवरातिर में गया जाता है. श्री दुर्गा जी की आरती (Shri Durga Ji ki Aarti) जय अम्बे गौरी, मैया जय श्यामा गौरी।तुमको निशिदिन ध्यावत, हरि ब्रह्मा शिवरी॥जय अम्बे गौरीमाँग सिन्दूर विराजत, टीको मृगमद को।उज्जवल से दोउ नैना, चन्द्रवदन नीको॥जय अम्बे गौरीकनक समान कलेवर, रक्ताम्बर राजै।रक्तपुष्प गल माला, कण्ठन पर साजै॥जय अम्बे गौरीकेहरि वाहन राजत, खड्ग खप्परधारी।सुर-नर-मुनि-जन सेवत, तिनके दुखहारी॥जय अम्बे गौरीकानन कुण्डल शोभित, नासाग्रे मोती।कोटिक चन्द्र दिवाकर, सम राजत ज्योति॥जय अम्बे गौरीशुम्भ-निशुम्भ बिदारे, महिषासुर घाती।धूम्र विलोचन नैना, निशिदिन मदमाती॥जय अम्बे गौरीचण्ड-मुण्ड संहारे, शोणित बीज हरे।मधु-कैटभ दोउ मारे, सुर भयहीन करे॥जय अम्बे गौरीब्रहमाणी रुद्राणी तुम कमला रानी।आगम-निगम-बखानी, तुम शिव पटरानी॥जय अम्बे गौरीचौंसठ योगिनी मंगल गावत, नृत्य करत भैरूँ।बाजत ताल मृदंगा, अरु बाजत डमरु॥जय अम्बे गौरीतुम ही जग की माता, तुम ही हो भरता।भक्तन की दु:ख हरता, सुख सम्पत्ति करता॥जय अम्बे गौरीभुजा चार अति शोभित, वर-मुद्रा धारी।मनवान्छित फल पावत, सेवत नर-नारी॥जय अम्बे गौरीकन्चन थाल विराजत, अगर कपूर बाती।श्रीमालकेतु में राजत, कोटि रतन ज्योति॥जय अम्बे गौरीश्री अम्बेजी की आरती, जो कोई नर गावै।कहत शिवानन्द स्वामी, सुख सम्पत्ति पावै॥जय अम्बे गौरी Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
जय अम्बे गौरी – श्री दुर्गा जी की आरती (Jai Ambe Gouri – Shri Durga Ji ki Aarti)
Kedarnath Temple JabalpurOctober 13, 2023Top Tourist Places in Jabalpur / Tourist placesPeople all over India know about the ancient and famous Kedarnath Temple of Uttarakhand and there is a huge crowd of devotees at this holy place every day. Just like the Kedarnath Temple in Uttarakhand, Kedarnath Temple has also been built in Dhanvantari Nagar of Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh. Kedarnath temple of Jabalpur, dedicated to Lord Shiva, has become very famous in a very short time and devotees have started coming here from far and wide. Click here to learn about Sharda Mata Temple Madan Mahal Temple Jabalpur This temple is situated in Shiv Aradhya Vihar Colony of Dhanvantri Nagar of Jabalpur. This temple was built in February 2023 but in a very short time, it has become famous in Jabalpur and other cities of India also. Devotees come here every day to see this temple and take the blessings of Lord Shiva. Click for information about Kankali Devi Temple Tigwa. History of Jabalpur Kedarnath Temple The foundation stone of Kedarnath Temple Jabalpur was laid on 22 February 2023. A few days after the foundation stone, this temple was opened to the general public. The foundation of the construction of Jabalpur Kedarnath Temple has been done by Ashish Sahu who is the architect and builder (developer) of Dhanwantari Nagar Shiv Aradhya Vihar, Jabalpur. Ashish Sahu had a great desire to create such a philosophical place in Jabalpur that people would come from far and wide to see and he also had unwavering faith in Lord Shiva. Click here to know about Chaitanya City Hanuman Temple Jabalpur Now this temple the help of Ashish Sahu and his friends, has become famous not only in Jabalpur but in the whole of India. People come here from long distances to visit the temple. There is a lot of crowd in this temple during the month of Sawan and Shivratri. Jabalpur’s famous Museum “Rani Durgavati Museum” It has been built exactly like Kedarnath temple The Kedarnath temple of Jabalpur has been built exactly like the Kedarnath temple of Uttarakhand. The design of the temple, the Shivalinga of the temple, and the statue of Nandi are all similar to the Kedarnath temple of Uttarakhand. The only difference between of them is that in Uttarakhand Kedarnath you would have to cross the rocky and hilly path but here you will not have to do anything like that and you will have the darshan of Lord Shiva peacefully. Click here to read about Dumna Nature Reserve Park Jabalpur Timing of Jabalpur Kedarnath Temple In the Morning: 7 am to 12 pm (Monday to Sunday). In Evening: 4 pm to 8 pm (Monday to Sunday). Click here to know about Tiwaraghat Jabalpur. Aarti time of Kedarnath Temple Jabalpur Aarti is performed here at 7 o’clock in the morning and at 8 o’clock in the evening. Amazing Chousath Yogini Temple of Jabalpur. Click Here How to Reach By Air: If you want to come to Jabalpur by air, then the only airport here is Dumna Airport. Kedarnath Temple, Jabalpur is 26km away from here, You can reach Kedarnath Temple, Jabalpur by taxi, auto, or Bus. If you want to know about the Ancient Gola math temple please click here. By Train: The nearest railway station to reach Kedarnath Temple, Jabalpur, Railway Station. It is only 12.7km away from here. After entering, you can reach Kedarnath Temple by taxi, auto, or bus. Click here to learn about the Beautiful Waterfall of Katni City. By Bus: Jabalpur City is connected to every city in India by road. You can easily reach here from any city. Click here to know about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. Address and Google map of Kedarnath Temple Jabalpur Address: 5VCF+7CG, Dhanvantari Nagar, Kugawan, Madhya Pradesh 482003. Jabalpur’s famous Jain temple “Pisanhari ki Madiya”. Click here for details Images of Kedarnath Temple, Jabalpur Click here to know about Jabalpur’s Waterfall Bhedaghat. Other places to visit in Jabalpur. Know about Badera Chaturyug Dham Temple. Click for Details Dhuandhar Falls, Jabalpur Marble Rocks, Jabalpur Dumna Nature Reserve Park, Jabalpur Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Balancing Rock, Jabalpur Madan Mahal Fort, Jabalpur Rani Durgavati Museum, Jabalpur Chausath Yogini Temple, Jabalpur Bargi Dam, Jabalpur Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Pisanhari ki Madiya, Jabalpur Chataniya City Hanuman Temple Sea World Water Park Treasure Island, Mall Bhawartal Garden Kankali Devi Temple Sangram Sagar Lake Sri Vishnu Varaha Mandir Gwari Ghat Center Point Of India Tilwaraghat Jabalpur If you want to know about the Ancient Gola math temple please click here. Click here to learn about Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga located in Khandwa, Indore. NEELKANTHESWAR BHAKTI DHAM Temple Salaiya. Click here to know. Interesting information about the Katni City of Madhya Pradesh. Click Here Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Kedarnath Temple Jabalpur
ओम गं ऋणहर्तायै नमः – कर्ज मुक्ति मंत्र (Om Gam Rin hartaye Namah – Karj Mukti Mantra)October 7, 2023Chalisaओम गं ऋणहर्तायै नमः अथवा  ओम छिन्दी छिन्दी वरैण्यम् स्वाहा मंत्र ये दोनों ही मंत्र कर्ज से मुक्ति पाने वाले मंत्र है अगर आप रोजाना इन मंत्र का जाप करते हैं तो धीरे धीरे आपका सारा कर्ज माफ हो जाता है. यह कर्ज मुक्ति मंत्र भगवन गणेश जी को समर्पित है इस मान्यत्र के जरिये हम भगवन गणेश से कर्ज मुक्ति कराने के लिए प्राथना करते हैं Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
ओम गं ऋणहर्तायै नमः – कर्ज मुक्ति मंत्र  (Om Gam Rin hartaye Namah – Karj Mukti Mantra)
गुरुर्ब्रह्मा, गुरुर्विष्णु, गुरुर्देवो महेश्वर: मंत्र – वंदना मंत्र (Guru Grahma Guru Vishnu Mantra)October 7, 2023Chalisaगुरुर्ब्रह्मा, गुरुर्विष्णु, गुरुर्देवो महेश्वर:।गुरु साक्षात् परब्रह्मा तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नम: इस एक गुरु वंदना मंत्र है जिसमे गुरु जो हमें शिक्षा, ज्ञान और जीवन अच्छे बुरे का ज्ञान देते है उनकी गुण गान करते है और उन्हें धन्यवाद् देते है. इस मंत्र में गुरु की महानता और महिमा को उजागर किया गया है. गुरु वंदना मंत्र का हिंदी अर्थ: गुरु ही ब्रम्हा, गुरु ही विष्णु और गुरु ही शिव के सामान है और गुरु ही साक्षात ईश्वर है. यैसे ईश्वर सामान गुरु को मेरा नमन है. Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
गुरुर्ब्रह्मा, गुरुर्विष्णु, गुरुर्देवो महेश्वर: मंत्र – वंदना मंत्र (Guru Grahma Guru Vishnu Mantra)
सर्वमंगल मांगल्यै मंत्र – देवी दुर्गा मंत्र (Sarvamangal Mangalyai mantra – Devi Durga Mantra)October 7, 2023Chalisaसर्वमंगल मांगल्यै शिव सवार्थ साधिक।शरण्ये त्रयम्बके गौरि नरायणि नमोस्तु ते।। यह मंत्र देवी शक्ति (देवी दुर्गा) को समर्पित है यह एक शक्तिशाली मंत्र है मंत्र का रोजाना जाप करने से मां दुर्गा का आशीर्वाद मिलता है और नकारात्मकता दूर होती है। जब भी आप घर से बाहर काम के लिए जाएं या किसी विशेष यात्रा पर जाएं तो इस मंत्र का जाप करें आपका पूरा दिन अच्छा जाएगा। मंत्र हिंदी में अर्थ आप शुभ कल्याण करने वाली, सबकी मनोकामना पूर्ण करने वाली, शरण में आने योग्य, तीन नेत्रों वाली अर्थात भूत, भविष्य और वर्तमान को प्रत्यक्ष देखने वाली, शिव की पत्नी आप हैं। नारायण की पत्नी अर्थात् भगवान की पत्नी हैं। आप सभी रूपों से जुड़े हुए हैं, आपको नमस्कार है। Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
सर्वमंगल मांगल्यै मंत्र – देवी दुर्गा मंत्र (Sarvamangal Mangalyai mantra – Devi Durga Mantra)
गंगे च यमुने चैव गोदावरि मंत्र – स्नान मंत्र (Gange Cha Yamune Chaiva Godavari Mantra – Snaan mantra)October 7, 2023Chalisa‘गंगे च यमुने चैव गोदावरि सरस्वति.नर्मदे सिन्धु कावेरि जल स्मिन्सन्निधिं कुरु..’ इस मंत्र का जाप सुबह स्नान करते समाये करना चाहिए इस मंत्र में सभी पवित्र नदियों का आवाहन किया जाता है और उनकी स्तुति की जाती है. इस मंत्र के जाप से सभी पवित्र नदी रूप शक्तियों का आशीर्वाद और कृपा प्राप्त होती है और भगवान का आशीर्वाद भी मिलता है. मंत्र का हिंदी अर्थ: हे गंगा, यमुना, गोदावरी, सरस्वती, नर्मदा, सिंधु, कावेरी नदियों, आओ और मेरे जल में पधारिए और मुझे आशीर्वाद दो। Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
गंगे च यमुने चैव गोदावरि मंत्र – स्नान मंत्र (Gange Cha Yamune Chaiva Godavari Mantra – Snaan mantra)
कवन सो काज कठिन जग माहीं (kavan so kaaj kathin jag maaheen)September 29, 2023Chalisaये राम चरित मानस की पंक्तियां हैं. इन पंक्तियों में जामवंत श्री हनुमान जी सोई हुई शक्तियों को जगाने का प्रयास करते हैं। कवन सो काज कठिन जग माहीं। जो नहिं होइ तात तुम्ह पाहीं।। पंक्तियों का हिन्दी में अनुवाद:- इस पंक्ति में जामवंत हनुमान जी से कहते हैं कि ऐसा कोई भी काम नहीं करता जो तुम नहीं कर सकते हो और जामवंत जी की इस बात को सुनकर हनुमान जी सभी शक्तियां जागृत हो गई थीं। और हनुमान जी ने विशाला आकर ले लिया और लंका की तरह चल पड़े माता सीता की खोज में। अगर कोई इन पंक्तियों को 108 बार सच्चे हार्ट से पढता है तो हनुमान जी खुद उसकी हेल्प करने आते हैं. Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
कवन सो काज कठिन जग माहीं (kavan so kaaj kathin jag maaheen)
मां सरस्‍वती की वंदना (Saraswati Vandana)September 17, 2023Chalisaदेवी सरस्वती को हिन्दू धर्म में ज्ञान की देवी माना जाता है और इन्हे कला, संगीत और बुद्धि की भी देवी माना जाता है. सरस्वती वंदना में हम मां सरस्वती से प्रार्थना करते हैं कि वो हमें ज्ञान और आशीर्वाद दें। स्कूल और कॉलेज में सरस्वती वंदना को गायन किया जाता है। मां सरस्‍वती की वंदना: या कुन्देन्दुतुषारहारधवला या शुभ्रवस्त्रावृता,या वीणावरदण्डमण्डितकरा या श्वेतपद्मासना ।या ब्रह्माच्युत शंकरप्रभृतिभिर्देवैः सदा वन्दिता,सा मां पातु सरस्वती भगवती निःशेषजाड्यापहा ॥१॥ शुक्लां ब्रह्मविचार सार परमामाद्यां जगद्व्यापिनीं,वीणा-पुस्तक-धारिणीमभयदां जाड्यान्धकारापहाम्‌ ।हस्ते स्फटिकमालिकां विदधतीं पद्मासने संस्थिताम्‌,वन्दे तां परमेश्वरीं भगवतीं बुद्धिप्रदां शारदाम्‌ ॥२॥ सरस्वती वंदना का अर्थ विद्या की देवी, भगवती सरस्वती, जिनका रंग तालाब के फूलों, चंद्रमा, बर्फ के पिंड और मोतियों की माला के समान सफेद है और जो सफेद वस्त्र पहनती हैं, जिनके हाथ में एक सुंदर वीणा है। श्वेत कमल पर आसन जमाया और जो ब्रह्मा की देवी हैं। विष्णु और शंकर आदि देवताओं द्वारा सदैव पूजी जाने वाली, समस्त जड़ता और अज्ञान को दूर करने वाली माता सरस्वती हमारी रक्षा करें। श्वेत वर्ण वाली, संपूर्ण चराचर जगत को व्याप्त करने वाली, आदिशक्ति, परब्रह्म के बारे में किए गए विचारों और चिंतन के सार में परम उदात्तता का प्रतीक, सभी भय से भय देने वाली, मिटाने वाली अज्ञानता का अंधकार, जिसके हाथों में वीणा, पुस्तक आदि हैं। मैं परम ऐश्वर्य से सुशोभित देवी शारदा की पूजा करता हूं, जो स्फटिक की माला धारण करती हैं और पद्मासन पर बैठकर बुद्धि प्रदान करती हैं। Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
मां सरस्‍वती की वंदना (Saraswati Vandana)
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People all over India know about the ancient and famous Kedarnath Temple of Uttarakhand and there is a huge crowd of devotees at this holy place every day. Just like the Kedarnath Temple in Uttarakhand, Kedarnath Temple has also been built in Dhanvantari Nagar of Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh. Kedarnath temple of Jabalpur, dedicated to Lord Shiva, has become very famous in a very short time and devotees have started coming here from far and wide. Click here to learn about Sharda Mata Temple Madan Mahal Temple Jabalpur This temple is situated in Shiv Aradhya Vihar Colony of Dhanvantri Nagar of Jabalpur. This temple was built in February 2023 but in a very short time, it has become famous in Jabalpur and other cities of India also. Devotees come here every day to see this temple and take the blessings of Lord Shiva. Click for information about Kankali Devi Temple Tigwa. History of Jabalpur Kedarnath Temple The foundation stone of Kedarnath Temple Jabalpur was laid on 22 February 2023. A few days after the foundation stone, this temple was opened to the general public. The foundation of the construction of Jabalpur Kedarnath Temple has been done by Ashish Sahu who is the architect and builder (developer) of Dhanwantari Nagar Shiv Aradhya Vihar, Jabalpur. Ashish Sahu had a great desire to create such a philosophical place in Jabalpur that people would come from far and wide to see and he also had unwavering faith in Lord Shiva. Click here to know about Chaitanya City Hanuman Temple Jabalpur Now this temple the help of Ashish Sahu and his friends, has become famous not only in Jabalpur but in the whole of India. People come here from long distances to visit the temple. There is a lot of crowd in this temple during the month of Sawan and Shivratri. Jabalpur’s famous Museum “Rani Durgavati Museum” It has been built exactly like Kedarnath temple The Kedarnath temple of Jabalpur has been built exactly like the Kedarnath temple of Uttarakhand. The design of the temple, the Shivalinga of the temple, and the statue of Nandi are all similar to the Kedarnath temple of Uttarakhand. The only difference between of them is that in Uttarakhand Kedarnath you would have to cross the rocky and hilly path but here you will not have to do anything like that and you will have the darshan of Lord Shiva peacefully. Click here to read about Dumna Nature Reserve Park Jabalpur Timing of Jabalpur Kedarnath Temple In the Morning: 7 am to 12 pm (Monday to Sunday). In Evening: 4 pm to 8 pm (Monday to Sunday). Click here to know about Tiwaraghat Jabalpur. Aarti time of Kedarnath Temple Jabalpur Aarti is performed here at 7 o’clock in the morning and at 8 o’clock in the evening. Amazing Chousath Yogini Temple of Jabalpur. Click Here How to Reach By Air: If you want to come to Jabalpur by air, then the only airport here is Dumna Airport. Kedarnath Temple, Jabalpur is 26km away from here, You can reach Kedarnath Temple, Jabalpur by taxi, auto, or Bus. If you want to know about the Ancient Gola math temple please click here. By Train: The nearest railway station to reach Kedarnath Temple, Jabalpur, Railway Station. It is only 12.7km away from here. After entering, you can reach Kedarnath Temple by taxi, auto, or bus. Click here to learn about the Beautiful Waterfall of Katni City. By Bus: Jabalpur City is connected to every city in India by road. You can easily reach here from any city. Click here to know about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. Address and Google map of Kedarnath Temple Jabalpur Address: 5VCF+7CG, Dhanvantari Nagar, Kugawan, Madhya Pradesh 482003. Jabalpur’s famous Jain temple “Pisanhari ki Madiya”. Click here for details Images of Kedarnath Temple, Jabalpur Click here to know about Jabalpur’s Waterfall Bhedaghat. Other places to visit in Jabalpur. Know about Badera Chaturyug Dham Temple. Click for Details Dhuandhar Falls, Jabalpur Marble Rocks, Jabalpur Dumna Nature Reserve Park, Jabalpur Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Balancing Rock, Jabalpur Madan Mahal Fort, Jabalpur Rani Durgavati Museum, Jabalpur Chausath Yogini Temple, Jabalpur Bargi Dam, Jabalpur Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Pisanhari ki Madiya, Jabalpur Chataniya City Hanuman Temple Sea World Water Park Treasure Island, Mall Bhawartal Garden Kankali Devi Temple Sangram Sagar Lake Sri Vishnu Varaha Mandir Gwari Ghat Center Point Of India Tilwaraghat Jabalpur If you want to know about the Ancient Gola math temple please click here. Click here to learn about Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga located in Khandwa, Indore. NEELKANTHESWAR BHAKTI DHAM Temple Salaiya. Click here to know. Interesting information about the Katni City of Madhya Pradesh. Click Here Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Sansakar Dhani Jabalpur is very famous for religious pilgrimage places and beautiful tourist places and picnic spots like this unique and romantic pilgrimage place situated in Majholi of Jabalpur. This place is known as Katav Dham. This tourist and religious place is situated on the banks of river Ken and its beauty is unprecedented. Kataw Dham Majholi Jabalpur is a natural place built between two huge hills between which the famous Ken River flows. There is such a beautiful temple at this place which is why it is named Kataw Dham. There is an ancient temple dedicated to Lord Shiva and there is also a temple of Lord Hanuman here which is known as Lal Mandir. Kataw dham has also a temple of Ram Sita here. The beauty of this place is very pleasing and the beautiful mountains and lush green environment here easily attract the attention of the tourists. Click here to read about Jabalpur Kedarnath Temple This place can also be called a blessing of nature which Majholi village of Jabalpur has received as a gift. This place is very suitable for photography and videography. If you are fond of taking pictures and making videos then this place is best for you and you can also come here for a family picnic. The famous Kataw Dham Ashram is also a famous place here, this ashram is also very old but it is maintained hence it is in very good condition. This place is 45 minutes away from Jabalpur. Every day many people come here to have a picnic and enjoy the weekend. Click here to learn about Sharda Mata Temple Madan Mahal Temple Jabalpur Places worth seeing in Kataw Dharma Although the entire Katav Dham itself is worth seeing, some places here are very popular. Click here to know about Chaitanya City Hanuman Temple Jabalpur 1. Lord Shiva Temple The temple’s of Lord Shiva here is the main center of attraction here, and this temple is very old and ancient. The Shivlinga of Lord Shiva is situated here. To reach this temple you will have to cross the river but during the summer season there is no water here, hence you can easily reach the temple. There is a lot of water in this river during the rainy season. Click here to read about Dumna Nature Reserve Park Jabalpur 2. Lord Hanuman Temple There is also a temple of Ram devotee Hanuman ji here and it is said that this temple is also very old. If you come here then definitely have darshan of Hanuman ji. Amazing Chousath Yogini Temple of Jabalpur. Click Here 3. Lord Ram-Sita Temple Lord Ram and Mata Sita temple is also the center of attraction here and it is also very beautiful. Click here to learn about the Beautiful Ichhapurti temple Maihar. 4. Ancient Kataw Dham Ashram The ashram here, which is also known as Kataw Dham Ashram, is also one of the places worth seeing here. As it is believed that this ashram has been here since ancient times and Sadhus and Tapasavi have been coming to this ashram since ancient times. Even today monks and saints come here to stay. This ashram is very beautiful and one experiences a different kind of peace here. Click for information about Kankali Devi Temple Tigwa. How to reach kataw Dham Majholi Jabalpur. By Air: If you want to come to Jabalpur by air, then the only airport here is Dumna Airport. Kataw Dham , Jabalpur is 64.2 km away from here, You can reach Kataw Dham, Jabalpur by taxi, auto, or Bus. Click here to learn about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. By Train: The nearest railway station to reach Kataw Dham, Jabalpur, Railway Station. It is only 50.9km away from here. After entering, you can reach Kataw Dham by taxi, auto, or bus. Click here to learn about the Beautiful Waterfall of Katni City. By Bus: Jabalpur City is connected to every city in India by road. You can easily reach here from any city. Address and Google map of Kataw Dham Majholi Jabalpur Address: 483336, Kariya Kheda, Madhya Pradesh Hotelsoftware Julia Click here to learn about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. Images of Kataw Dham Majholi Jabalpur Other places to visit in Jabalpur. Know about Badera Chaturyug Dham Temple. Click for Details Dhuandhar Falls, Jabalpur Marble Rocks, Jabalpur Dumna Nature Reserve Park, Jabalpur Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Balancing Rock, Jabalpur Madan Mahal Fort, Jabalpur Rani Durgavati Museum, Jabalpur Chausath Yogini Temple, Jabalpur Bargi Dam, Jabalpur Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Pisanhari ki Madiya, Jabalpur Chataniya City Hanuman Temple Sea World Water Park Treasure Island, Mall Bhawartal Garden Kankali Devi Temple Sangram Sagar Lake Sri Vishnu Varaha Mandir Gwari Ghat Center Point Of India Tilwaraghat Jabalpur Choushat Yogini Temple Jabalpur If you want to know about the Ancient Gola math temple please click here. Click here to learn about Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga located in Khandwa, Indore. NEELKANTHESWAR BHAKTI DHAM Temple Salaiya. Click here to know. Interesting information about the Katni City of Madhya Pradesh. Click Here Click here to learn about the famous Vijayraghavgarh Fort of Katni For information about Katni Orthopedics Hanuman ji Temple. Click here to learn about the Beautiful Ichhapurti temple Maihar. NEELKANTHESWAR BHAKTI DHAM Temple Salaiya. Click here to know. Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Tilwara Ghat is a sacred and famous ghat of Jabalpur city which is built on the bank of the holy river. Apart from being a tourist place, it is also a Hindu religious place. People come here every day to have the darshan of Mata Narmada and seek her blessings. Everyone gets virtue by taking a bath in the water of river Narmada, hence people also come here to take a bath in Narmada. Click here to learn about Jabalpur’s ancient Fort There are many ancient temples in this ghat like the temple of Lord Shani Dev, Shiva Linga of Lord Shiva, and Hanuman ji temple. There is also a temple of Goddess Kali here. Every Saturday, a special aarti is organized in the Shani temple here, which many people come to see and get the blessings of Shani Dev. Pooja Path, Mundan Sanskar, Narmada Aarti, and many religious rituals are performed at this ghat. The ashes of Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi were immersed in the Narmada River in this ghat of Jabalpur. Click here to read about Dumna Nature Reserve Park Jabalpur History of Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur The history of Tilwara Ghat is very old and there is a very interesting story behind it. The history of this holy pier is 1100 years old. When Jabalpur was ruled by the Kalchuri dynasty, King Devraj used to rule here and he was a great king of the Kalchuri dynasty. His wife Nohla Devi was a great devotee of Lord Shiva and Queen Nohla Devi used to come every Makar Sankranti to offer sesame to the Narmada river. Since then, this tradition has been followed here every Makar Sankranti, and this ghat was named Tilwara Ghat. To know about the Amazing and beautiful Jabalpur Jain Temple. Please click here. It is believed that the vehicle of Goddess Narmada is a Crocodile which is also called Makar. It is believed that offering sesame in Narmada removes the troubles of Makar, the vehicle of Narmada. By doing this, the devotees get the blessings of Goddess Narmada and all the works and wishes of the devotees are fulfilled. Click here to learn about Sharda Mata Temple Madan Mahal Temple Jabalpur Why is it called Tilwara Ghat? On every Makar Sankranti, which falls on 14 January every year, devotees offer sesame seeds in the Narmada river at Tilwara Ghat. It is believed that this tradition has been celebrated for almost 1100 years. Queen Nohla Devi started this tradition by offering sesame seeds in the Narmada on Sankranti. Due to the offering of sesame, this ghat was named Tilwara Ghat. Click for information about Kankali Devi Temple Tigwa. Main attractions of Tilwara Ghat There are many tourist centers in Tilwara Ghat, some of which are spiritual places and some are other things: Click here to learn about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. Shani Dev Temple: Shani temple of Tilwara Ghat is a major temple where devotees come daily and worship Shani Dev and especially every Saturday special puja and aarti are done here. Lord Ganesh Temple: This temple dedicated to Lord Ganesha is very old and this temple is also very miraculous. The devotees coming here have great faith in this temple. Ancient Shiva Linga: Shivlinga of Lord Shiva is the main center of worship here as it is believed that this temple is an ancient temple and by offering oil on Shivlinga, all the devotees are blessed. In ancient times, Lord Shiva had assured the sages to worship Shivalinga here so that they could get the blessings of Mother Narmada. Goddess Kali Temple: There is also a temple of Goddess Kali here where devotees come every day to visit her. Lord Hanuman Ji Temple: Ram Bhakt Hanuman’s temple plays an important role in Tilwara Ghat as it is believed that all the devotees of Shani Dev are brought to the temple by the darshan and worship of Hanuman. Old and New Tilwara Bridges: The existence of Tilwara Ghat is very old and the old Tiwara bridge here is equally old as it is believed that this bridge was built during the British era. Earlier this bridge was used for traffic but due to its weakness, now this bridge has been closed for heavy vehicles. But even today pedestrians use this bridge. The government has constructed two new bridges in which there are separate bridges for coming and going. These bridges connect Jabalpur to Nagpur. Mahatma Gandhi Memorial: A memorial was also built here in memory of the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, who spent his entire life practicing non-violence. Mahatma Gandhi had a special attachment to this place. He had come here during his lifetime and he also wanted to build an ashram here. Click here to learn about Jabalpur’s Waterfall Bhedaghat. How to Reach Tilwara Ghat Jabalpur By Air: If you want to come to Jabalpur by air, then the only airport here is Dumna Airport. Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur is 29km away from here, You can reach Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur by taxi, auto, or Bus. Click here to know about Chaitanya City Hanuman Temple Jabalpur By Train: The nearest railway station to reach Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur. It is only 14.2km away from here. After entering, you can reach Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur by taxi, auto, or bus. Click here to learn about Katni Orthopedics Hanuman ji Temple. By Bus: Jabalpur City is connected to every city in India by road. You can easily reach here from any city. Jabalpur’s famous Museum “Rani Durgavati Museum” Address and Google map of Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Click here to learn about the Beautiful Ichhapurti temple Maihar. Address: MCH, Shastri Nagar Road NSCB, Jabalpur Click here to learn about Katni Orthopedics Hanuman ji Temple. Images of Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Click here to learn about the famous Vijayraghavgarh Fort of Katni Other places to visit in Jabalpur. Know about Badera Chaturyug Dham Temple. Click for Details Dhuandhar Falls, Jabalpur Marble Rocks, Jabalpur Dumna Nature Reserve Park, Jabalpur Balancing Rock, Jabalpur Madan Mahal Fort, Jabalpur Rani Durgavati Museum, Jabalpur Chausath Yogini Temple, Jabalpur Bargi Dam, Jabalpur Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Pisanhari ki Madiya, Jabalpur Chataniya City Hanuman Temple Sea World Water Park Treasure Island, Mall Bhawartal Garden Kankali Devi Temple Sangram Sagar Lake Sri Vishnu Varaha Mandir Gwari Ghat Center Point Of India Kedarnath Dham Temple Jabalpur If you want to know about the Ancient Gola math temple please click here. Click here to learn about Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga located in Khandwa, Indore. NEELKANTHESWAR BHAKTI DHAM Temple Salaiya. Click here to know. Interesting information about the Katni City of Madhya Pradesh. Click Here Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Jabalpur city of India is known for the sacred Narmada River and its ancient and beautiful temples. Here one can see a unique view of Hindu Sanskrit, hence this city is also called Sanskardhani. Chausath Yogini temple, Jabalpur an ancient temple depicting Indian Sanskrit, is an ancient and unique temple here. This temple is a 10th-century temple which was built during the Kalchuri dynasty. This is a huge temple of circular, hence it is also called the Golaki temple. This temple is a unique architectural piece of the Kalchuri period. The temple has statues of 64 Yoginis of the Hindu religion. These 64 Yoginis are considered to be the consorts of Goddess Durga and their form. There are many 64 Yogini temples in India but this temple of Jabalpur is different from all of them. Click to know about Tilwara Ghat Jabalpur This temple is situated on a 70 feet high hill and this temple is situated near the world-famous place called Bhedaghat. In this temple, the idol of Lord Shankar and Goddess Parvati are seated in Nandi in the sanctum sanctorum. Later, there was the temple of Devi Nohla Devi who established the education center here. This Nohla Devi was a princess of the Chalukiya dynasty of South India who was married to King Devraj ji of the Kalchuri dynasty. Here the knowledge of Tantra Mantra, Vedic Mantra, and witchcraft was given, which people from all over the country and abroad used to come to learn. Jabalpur’s famous Jain temple “Pisanhari ki Madiya”. Click here for details Muslim invader, Aurangzeb had attacked here and damaged all the 64 Yogini idols of this temple. However, he was not able to cause any damage to the statues of Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati in the main pride of the house. Click here to know about Jabalpur’s Waterfall Bhedaghat. This temple is dedicated to Goddess Durga, Lord Shiva and Parvati Chaushat Yogini Temple, Jabalpur is a temple dedicated to the 64 concubines of Goddess Durga and these 64 concubines are considered to be the power and form of Goddess Durga. Here there are temples along with the idols of 64 Yoginis and the special thing about this temple is that the idol of Lord Shiva is also present in the middle of these Yoginis. This temple is built in a circular shape, in the center of which there is a beautifully carved temple which is very attractive to look at. This is the only temple in India and the world where the statue of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati’s marriage is present along with 64 Yoginis and along with them is Nandi Ji. Click here to read about Dumna Nature Reserve Park Jabalpur The ancient history of Chausathi Yogini According to the ancient inscriptions found in Akron, this temple is 1000 years old (10th century). When Madhya Pradesh was ruled by Hindu kings, this temple was built by the kings of the Kalchuri dynasty. According to the ancient inscriptions found, this temple is 1000 years old (10th century). When Madhya Pradesh was ruled by Hindu kings, this temple was built by the kings of the Kalchuri dynasty. This Chausath Yogini temple was built by the king of the Kalchuri dynasty, Yuvrajdev Pratham, and later in the 12th century, the Gouri-Shankar temple was built here by Rani Gosaldevi ji. Click here to learn about Sharda Mata Temple Madan Mahal Temple Jabalpur The temple is triangular in shape based on 81 corners, at each corner of which a Yogini was established. In the 12th century, Queen Gosaldevi of Gujarat built the Gaurishankar temple here. Raja Devraj Pratham and Gosal Devi were the Supporter of Shaivite tradition and they had built this temple here to get the blessings of Lord Shiva. Click here to know about Chaitanya City Hanuman Temple Jabalpur Apart from this, there is also an ancient story of the temple according to it is believed that once Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati went to the hills of Bhedaghat to roam around in the earth. During the journey, both of them came to rest at a place on the hill where the great sage Suvarna did penance and became very happy after seeing Lord Shiva and Parvati. Sage Suvarna prayed to Lord Shiva, O Lord, you and Goddess Parvati stay here till I return after taking a bath. While taking a bath in Narmada, Rishi Suvarn thought that if God resides here forever then this place will be bettered, hence he took the Samadhi(entrancement) there. Since then, this place has become the center of blessings of Lord Shiva and here Shiva’s blessings always remain on the devotees. Jabalpur’s famous Museum “Rani Durgavati Museum” In ancient times this temple was a center for teaching Tantra Sadhana. Apart from worshiping the yogini form of Lord Shiva and Parvati and Durga, this place was the center of Tantra Vidya and yoga practice. Students from India and abroad came to this place to learn the knowledge of Yoga and Tantra Vidya. This university was very rich and huge and its branches were in many states of India but the Muslim invader Aurangzeb attacked this temple and caused a lot of damage to this temple. Click here to learn about Katni Orthopedics Hanuman ji Temple. Muslim invaders attacked here many times. This place was very famous and developed and its fame was also in the whole world. When the Muslim invader Aurangzeb came to know about this temple, he attacked the place caused a lot of damage to it, and destroyed all the 64 idols of the Yoginis in the temple. Know about Badera Chaturyug Dham Temple. Click for Details He dismembered the temple and its idols outside and again moved towards the sanctum sanctorum of the temple but when he tried to break the idol of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati a divine power stopped him from using it. Seeing Shakti, he immediately ran away from there. The idols of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati were not harmed. Timing of Chousath Yogini Temple, Jabalpur 8 AM – 6 PM Interesting Point of Chausath Yogini Temple, Jabalpur This temple is a 10th-century temple which is more than 1000 years old. This temple was built by the rulers of the Kalchuri dynasty. This is the only 64 yogini temple in the world that has the idol of marriage of Shiva and Parvati. This temple is situated on a 70 feet high hill. Along with the temple, Yoga education, and Tantra Mantra, education were also given here. This Yoga and Tantra University was built by Queen Gosaldevi of Gujarat. This temple is also called Golaki Math or Golaki Mandir. People from abroad also used to come to this place for Yoga education Tantra education and meditation. How to Reach Chausath Yogini Temple, Jabalpur By Air: If you want to come to Jabalpur by air, then the only airport here is Dumna Airport. Chausath Yogini Temple, Jabalpur is 40km away from here, You can reach Chausath Yogini Temple, Jabalpur by taxi, auto, or Bus. Click here to learn about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. By Train: The nearest railway station to reach Chausath Yogini Temple, Jabalpur, Railway Station. It is only 21.7km away from here. After entering, you can reach Chausath Yogini Temple by taxi, auto, or bus. Click here to learn about the Beautiful Waterfall of Katni City. By Bus: Jabalpur City is connected to every city in India by road. You can easily reach here from any city. Address and Google map of Chausath Yogini Temple, Jabalpur Address: 4RJ2+C65, Bheda Ghat, Panchvati Garden Bhedaghat, Bhedaghat, Madhya Pradesh 483053 Images of Chausath Yogini Temple, Jabalpur Other places to visit in Jabalpur. Know about Badera Chaturyug Dham Temple. Click for Details Dhuandhar Falls, Jabalpur Marble Rocks, Jabalpur Dumna Nature Reserve Park, Jabalpur Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Balancing Rock, Jabalpur Madan Mahal Fort, Jabalpur Rani Durgavati Museum, Jabalpur Chausath Yogini Temple, Jabalpur Bargi Dam, Jabalpur Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Pisanhari ki Madiya, Jabalpur Chataniya City Hanuman Temple Sea World Water Park Treasure Island, Mall Bhawartal Garden Kankali Devi Temple Sangram Sagar Lake Sri Vishnu Varaha Mandir Gwari Ghat Center Point Of India Kedarnath Dham Temple Jabalpur If you want to know about the Ancient Gola math temple please click here. Click here to learn about Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga located in Khandwa, Indore. NEELKANTHESWAR BHAKTI DHAM Temple Salaiya. Click here to know. Interesting information about the Katni City of Madhya Pradesh. Click Here Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
India’s beautiful and unique city Jabalpur is considered a religious and Hindu cultural place in the world. There are ancient and modern temples and religious places everywhere which make it a cultural and Hindu Sanskriti city. Similarly, a place that is known for Hindu Sanskriti and tradition of India, which is known as Gwarighat, is built in front of the sacred Narmada river in Jabalpur. Gwarighat is a famous ghat of Jabalpur which is also known as Gaurighat. This ghat built on the banks of river Narmada is very old. Gwarighat is made up of ghats which include Jalhari Ghat, Uma Ghat, Daroga Ghat, Sidh Ghat, and Khari Ghat, all the ghats have their own importance. This is a group of ghats, which is why there are many temples in each ghat like Shiva Ling and Shiva 12 Jyrtirling, lord Ganesh temple, goddess Durga temple, goddess Narmada temple, lord hanuman temple, and many other temples are there. Click here to know about Chaitanya City Hanuman Temple Jabalpur Many rituals like Narmada Puja, Mundan Sanskar, and death rites are performed at Gwari Ghat. This is one of the famous and peaceful tourist spots of Jabalpur. If you are planning to visit Jabalpur, then definitely keep this place on your list. Click here to read about Dumna Nature Reserve Park Jabalpur History of Gwarighat Jabalpur Gwarighat of Jabalpur has existed since ancient times, many sages and great ascetics have done penance here and performed worship and rituals at this place. There is no trace of any past date or year of its history but it is believed that this ghat has been in existence since ancient times before the first religious guru Guru Nanak Dev of Sikhs also visited this place. Gurudwara Gwari Ghat has also been constructed here in his honor and memory. This Gurudwara is built on the banks of Gwari Ghat. Amazing Chousath Yogini Temple of Jabalpur. Click Here There is always a fair-like atmosphere in Gwarighat There is always a lively and pleasant atmosphere in Gwarighat, various kinds of shops like Prasad shops, toy shops, and cosmetic and cloth shops are kept here. In Gwaright are many things to entertain children here. Here you will get to see the confluence of both the academic and the intellectual. The sight of Goddess Narmada on one side passing by the ghat on the other side gives you a pleasant feeling at first. Click here to know about Jabalpur’s Waterfall Bhedaghat. Beautiful view of Gomukh of Siddhaghat Siddhaghat here, which is a main ghat of Gwarighat, the dress of Gomukh situated here is very attractive and charming. Water keeps coming out of this cow’s mouth continuously and near this cow’s mouth, there is also the Shivlinga and the idol of Lord Shankar. The temple of Lord Shiva and the view of Gomukh are very enjoyable, one experiences extreme peace at this place. Jabalpur Kedarnath Temple. Click here for details Gwarighat Narmada aarti Aarti of Narmada river takes place every evening in Gwarighat and this aarti is very grand and spectacular. People come daily during the aarti. In this Aarti, Goddess Narmada, which is considered a sacred river, is invoked and worshiped so that the blessings of Mother Narmada can be obtained. If you go to Gwarighat then definitely watch the evening aarti here. Gwarighat Narmada aarti time The evening Aarti at this ghat starts at around 7 in the evening A place worth seeing in Gwarighat Gwarighat is known for the sacred river Narmada where people take baths and perform religious rituals but apart from this, there are other places worth seeing here. Here we talk about the place worth seeing in the valley. Click here to learn about Sharda Mata Temple Madan Mahal Temple Jabalpur 1. Narmada Temple The temple of Devi Narmada is situated in the main temple of Gwarighat, the special thing about the temple is that it is built in the middle of the river, and one has to take the help of a boat to reach the temple. The idol of Goddess Narmada is enshrined in this temple. Click here to learn about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. 2. Sai Baba Temple and Ashram There is also a temple of Sai Baba here where devotees can have a darshan of Sai Baba. Along with the temple, there is also a Sai Seva Ashram here. Click here to learn about the Beautiful Ichhapurti temple Maihar. 3. Lord Shiva Temple The temple of Lord Shiva here which has a Shiva Linga is very famous and every Monday there is a huge crowd of devotees here. 4. Shri Siddh Ganesh Temple This temple is dedicated to Lord Ganesha. Lord Ganesha is considered to be the deity who eliminates losses. Any devotee who worships Lord Ganesha here with a true heart, all his sorrows and pains end. Click here to learn about Katni Orthopedics Hanuman ji Temple. 5. Dakshin Mukhi Hanuman temple The south-facing Hanumanji temple of Gwarighat is one of the major temples here. There is a huge crowd of devotees here every Tuesday. Click here for know about Tilwaraghat Jabalpur 5. Jain Temple This temple of the Jain community is one of the main temples here. This temple is very beautiful and its architecture and design are also very attractive. Click here for information about Chousath Yogini Temple Jabalpur 6. Gurudwara Gwarighat This Gurudwara is a very old Gurudwara of Gwarighat as it is believed that this Gurudwara was built when the first Guru Guru Nanak Dev came here before the Sikhs. It is built on the banks of river Narmada in Gwarighat. To know about the Amazing and beautiful Jabalpur Jain Temple. Please click here. Main ghats at Gwarighat. Gwarighat is a group of many ghats, the main ghats here are as follows: Click here to learn about Jabalpur’s ancient Fort 1. Siddhghat Siddhaghat is the main and very ancient ghat of Gwarighat. It is also the first ghat of Gwarighat. There is also a temple of Lord Shankar here. There is a Shivalinga of Lord Shiva in this temple, devotees come here every day to worship it. Here is also a Gomukh near the temple, from which water keeps coming out 24 hours. There is also a statue of Lord Shankar in front of this Gomukh. Apart from Lord Shiva, there are also idols of Goddess Kali, Lord Ganesha, and Goddess Durga. Click here to learn about the very famous Maa Jalpa Devi temple, Katni. 2. Umaghat Umaghat is also an important ghat of Gwarighat, here the idol of the 12 Jyotirlingas of Lord Shiva is also enshrined. There is also a beautiful garden in this ghat in which you can sit and roam. Aarti of Narmada ji is also done in Umaghat. This aarti takes place at 7 o’clock in the evening. There is also a temple of Goddess Narmada in Umaghat itself. This temple is built in the middle of the river where it can be reached with the help of a boat. If you want to know about the Ancient Gola math temple please click here. 3. Darogaghat At Darogaghat you can cross the river using a boat and you can also take your vehicle and luggage here. Click here to learn about other tourist places in Bilhari, Katni. 4. Kharighat In Khairighat, the ashes of a dead person are immersed, which we call Khari, hence this ghat is called Khairighat. This is a ghat with less water and the environment here remains very calm. People also come here to take baths and changing rooms have also been made here to change clothes. This ghat is near Darogaghat. Click here to learn about the Beautiful Ichhapurti temple Maihar. 5. Jalharighat Jalharighat is also a ghat of Gwarighat where people take baths in Narmada. This part is a little far from the main gate but you can walk here. There is also a glass temple at this place which is very beautiful which you can see. Click to know about the beautiful Jagriti Park (Garden) of Katni Madhya Pradesh. How to Reach By Air: If you want to come to Jabalpur by air, then the only airport here is Dumna Airport. Gwarighat Jabalpur is 22km away from here, You can reach Gwarighat Jabalpur by taxi, auto, or Bus. If you want to know about the Ancient Gola math temple please click here. By Train: The nearest railway station to reach Gwarighat Jabalpur, Railway Station. It is only 9km away from here. After entering, you can reach Gwarighat Jabalpur by taxi, auto, or bus. Click here to learn about the Beautiful Waterfall of Katni City. By Bus: Jabalpur City is connected to every city in India by road. You can easily reach here from any city. Click here to know about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. Address and Google map of Gwarighat Jabalpur Click here to learn about Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga located in Khandwa, Indore. Address: Gwarighat, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. Click here to know about Sharda Devi temple Vijayraghavgarh Katni Images of Gwarighat Jabalpur Click here to learn about the famous Vijayraghavgarh Fort of Katni For information about Katni Orthopedics Hanuman ji Temple. Click here to learn about the Beautiful Ichhapurti temple Maihar. NEELKANTHESWAR BHAKTI DHAM Temple Salaiya. Click here to know. Other places to visit in Jabalpur. Dhuandhar Falls, Jabalpur Marble Rocks, Jabalpur Dumna Nature Reserve Park, Jabalpur Balancing Rock, Jabalpur Madan Mahal Fort, Jabalpur Rani Durgavati Museum, Jabalpur Chausath Yogini Temple, Jabalpur Bargi Dam, Jabalpur Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Center Point of India, Karondi, Jabalpur Chataniya City Hanuman Temple Sea World Water Park Treasure Island, Mall Tilwara Ghat Bhawartal Garden Kankali Devi Temple Sangram Sagar Lake Sri Vishnu Varaha Mandir Kedarnath Mandir Jabalpur If you want to know about Maihar Sharda Goddess temple please click here Click for information about Kankali Devi Temple Tigwa. know about the beautiful Jagriti Park (Garden) of Katni Madhya Pradesh. Click here to learn about Katni Orthopedics Hanuman ji Temple. Click here to learn about other tourist places in Bilhari, Katni. Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Bhedaghat of Jabalpur City of India is famous all over India and abroad for its beauty and the reason for its fame is the Marble Rock of Bhedaghat. Marble Rock is a group of 100-foot-high marble mountains that extend for 25 km. These huge marble rocks are extremely beautiful and meaningful, they are a blessing of nature that Jabalpur has. The sun’s rays are visible on these rocks, hence the view here looks even more amazing. The beauty of this place is amazing and everyone’s mind gets mesmerized after seeing it, because of this beauty it is famous in foreign countries also and people from abroad also come to see it. Click here to know about Chaitanya City Hanuman Temple Jabalpur Here you can also enjoy the pleasure of a boat ride. By sitting on the boat you can see the beautiful marble rock mountains and along with them, you can also see the beautiful river of this place gurgling and flowing in the water. Here you can enjoy a boat ride even at night and you can also see the unique sight of monkeys jumping from one end of the mountain to another. This place is called Monkey Jump. Click here to read about Dumna Nature Reserve Park Jabalpur To see the wonderful view of a moonlit night and boat riding Here, by sitting on a boat, you can see the view of Marble Rocks and its surroundings and enjoy moments of joy. You can also go boat riding at night here and enjoy the beautiful moonlit night and see the beautiful lighting and the beauty of the beautiful marble rocks. The night view here is many times better than the day view, so definitely go here for a boat ride at night. Click here to know about Tiwaraghat Jabalpur. Boating Ride Price and Timing This area can be reached by taking a motorboat from the jetty at Panchvati Ghat (Rs. 30 per head) and it’s a 50-minute ride along the river Narmada. How to reach Rani Durgavati Museum Jabalpur To reach Marble Rocks in Jabalpur, you can use various modes of transportation, depending on your location and preferences. Jabalpur is well-connected by road, rail, and air. Here are the most common ways to reach the museum: Click here to learn about Jabalpur’s Waterfall Bhedaghat. 1. By Air: The nearest airport to Marble Jabalpur is the Dumna Airport (Jabalpur Airport), which is approximately 47 kilometers away from the city center. You can book a flight to Jabalpur Airport from major Indian cities. From the airport, you can hire a taxi or use other local transportation options to reach the museum. Click here to learn about the Beautiful Ichhapurti temple Maihar. 2. By Train: Jabalpur Junction is a major railway station in the region and is well-connected to various parts of India. You can check train schedules and book tickets to Jabalpur Junction from your departure point. Once you arrive at Jabalpur Junction, you can hire a taxi, auto-rickshaw, or use other local transportation to reach the museum. Click here to learn about Katni Orthopedics Hanuman ji Temple. 3. By Road: Jabalpur is accessible by road through national highways and state highways. You can drive to Jabalpur or take a long-distance bus to the city. Depending on your starting point, you can plan your route to Jabalpur. Once you reach Jabalpur city, you can use a GPS or ask for directions to the Marble Rocks Jabalpur. Most locals are familiar with its location. Know about Badera Chaturyug Dham Temple. Click for Details 4. Local Transportation: Once you’re in Jabalpur, you can use local transportation options like auto-rickshaws, cycle rickshaws, or taxis to reach Marble Rocks Jabalpur. Click here to learn about the very famous Maa Jalpa Devi temple, Katni. Address and Google map of Marble Rocks, Jabalpur Address: 4QHW+X5G, Narmada River, Gwari Images of Marble Rocks, Jabalpur Click here to know about Jabalpur’s Waterfall Bhedaghat. Other places to visit in Jabalpur. Dhuandhar Falls, Jabalpur Marble Rocks, Jabalpur Dumna Nature Reserve Park, Jabalpur Balancing Rock, Jabalpur Madan Mahal Fort, Jabalpur Rani Durgavati Museum, Jabalpur Chausath Yogini Temple, Jabalpur Bargi Dam, Jabalpur Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Center Point of India, Karondi, Jabalpur Chataniya City Hanuman Temple Sea World Water Park Treasure Island, Mall Tilwara Ghat Bhawartal Garden Kankali Devi Temple Sangram Sagar Lake Sri Vishnu Varaha Mandir Gwari Ghat Jabalpur If you want to know about Maihar Sharda Goddess temple please click here Click for information about Kankali Devi Temple Tigwa. know about the beautiful Jagriti Park (Garden) of Katni Madhya Pradesh. Click here to learn about Katni Orthopedics Hanuman ji Temple. Click here to learn about other tourist places in Bilhari, Katni. Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Bhawartal Garden Jabalpur is a garden full of greenery in Jabalpur city and it is also a famous picnic spot and tourist place. There are many types of flowers and plant species in the garden. This is the biggest garden of Jabalpur and its place is 25th in India. The beauty of this garden is very much. It is also known as Pandit Motilal Nehru Park. There are many interesting and fun things to do here like you can go skating in the skating rink and also visit the beautiful fountain and the ancient Osho tree. There are many things for children’s entertainment in the garden, there are many types of swings, skating rinks, sliders, and many other fun places. Jabalpur’s famous Museum “Rani Durgavati Museum” Apart from this, there are many selfie points here where you can click photos and also make your Instagram reel. There is also a watch tower here from where you can see the view of the pure garden. From here the entire garden is visible and the view of the garden from here is very beautiful and captivating. In the middle of the garden, there is a huge statue of the great queen Durgavati, the queen of Jabalpur Gond dynasty, in which the queen is sitting on an elephant. This statue is the main attraction here. Amazing Chousath Yogini Temple of Jabalpur. Click Here There is a huge ground here for morning walks and exercise, and there is a separate running area where you can do your morning walk and exercise. Jabalpur’s famous Jain temple “Pisanhari ki Madiya”. Click here for details History of Bhawartal Garden, Jabalpur Bhawartal Garden’s history dates back to the British rule period. This beautiful garden was built in the 19th century but before, it was used as a shelter for the British Army. The British Government also used it for the accommodation and training of its soldiers. But after the end of the decade of 1990, it was converted into a garden and it was opened to the general public. It is named after Bhawartal, a lake here. Today this garden is a popular place in Jabalpur and it is also a picnic spot which is a perfect place for families. This park is also known as Motilal Park. If you go to visit Jabalpur then definitely visit here. Click here to know about Jabalpur’s Waterfall Bhedaghat. Things to see in Bhawartal Garden Bhavartal Garden is spread over a huge area and there is a lot to see here that will fill your mind and heart with joy. You can do and see a lot here: 1. The joy of Skating There is also a skating rink here where you can enjoy skating and it is absolutely free, but if you want to go skating, you will have to get permission. Click here to read about Dumna Nature Reserve Park Jabalpur 2. Swings and Sliders for Kids There are many swings and slides made for children in this garden on which children can sit and have fun and there are also some other birds here which are for children. Click here to learn about Sharda Mata Temple Madan Mahal Temple Jabalpur 3. View of the entire garden from the watch tower There is also a watch tower here, standing on which you can see the view of the entire garden, the view of the garden from here looks very beautiful and spectacular. Click here to learn about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. 4. Ancient Osho Tree One of the main attractions here is a very old tree which is called Osho Tree. Saint Osho had done penance by sitting here. Hundreds of people come to the garden every day to see this tree and get information about this tree. Click here to learn about Katni Orthopedics Hanuman ji Temple. 5. Selfie points This park is full of very beautiful views and many selfie points have also been made here where you can click your photo. You can also make a video here and then upload that video to Facebook or Instagram and create your own reel. Click here to know about Chaitanya City Hanuman Temple Jabalpur 6. Beautiful Flowers and Plants The beauty of the flowers and plants grown in the garden is also the center of attraction here. There are many types of beautiful plants here. Best Time to Visit Bhawartal Garden Although you can visit Bhavartal Garden anytime, October to February is by far the best time to visit Bhawartal Garden, Jabalpur. The weather is so warm and pleasant that it’s hard to imagine the same place with the summer ceiling humidity. Wander around the city visit attractions and see the national parks at their Click here to learn about the Beautiful Ichhapurti temple Maihar. Entry Fee / Ticket Price of Bhawartal Garden ₹ 20 is the entry fee per person. lick here to learn about the very famous Maa Jalpa Devi temple, Katni. How to Reach By Air: If you want to come to Jabalpur by air, then the only airport here is Dumna Airport. Bhawartal Garden, Jabalpur is 16.2km away from here, You can reach Bhawartal Garden, Jabalpur by taxi, auto, or Bus. If you want to know about the Ancient Gola math temple please click here. By Train: The nearest railway station to reach Bhawartal Garden, Railway Station. It is only 2.3km away from here. After entering, you can reach Bhawartal Garden, Jabalpur by taxi, auto, or bus. Click here to learn about the Beautiful Waterfall of Katni City. By Bus: Jabalpur City is connected to every city in India by road. You can easily reach here from any city. Click here to know about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. Timing of Bhawartal Garden, Jabalpur 10 AM to 6 PM (All Days) Address and Google Map of Bhawartal Garden Address: 5W7M+28V, Bhavartal Garden Rd, Napier Town, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh 482001 Click here to know about Sharda Devi temple Vijayraghavgarh Katni Images of Bhawartal Garden Jabalpur Other places to visit in Jabalpur. Know about Badera Chaturyug Dham Temple. Click for Details Dhuandhar Falls, Jabalpur Marble Rocks, Jabalpur Dumna Nature Reserve Park, Jabalpur Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Balancing Rock, Jabalpur Madan Mahal Fort, Jabalpur Rani Durgavati Museum, Jabalpur Chausath Yogini Temple, Jabalpur Bargi Dam, Jabalpur Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Pisanhari ki Madiya, Jabalpur Chataniya City Hanuman Temple Sea World Water Park Treasure Island, Mall Bhawartal Garden Kankali Devi Temple Sangram Sagar Lake Sri Vishnu Varaha Mandir Gwari Ghat Jabalpur Center Point Of India Tilwaraghat Jabalpur Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Bargi Dam of Jabalpur is a major dam of Madhya Pradesh and is also a tourist place. This dam is the main source of water supply for Jabalpur and its surrounding areas. Bargi Dam is also known as Rani Avanti Bai Lodhi Sagar Pariyojna and this is also its real name. Madhya Pradesh and the Central Government have done a lot of work for the development of this place so that it can become a good tourist destination and more of the people can come here. Many birds like parrots, myna, cranes, pigeons, and many other beautiful birds can be seen at this place. Bargi Diversion Project and Rani Avantibai Lodhi Sagar Project are two important irrigation projects developed on this dam. Click here to read about Kataw Dham Temple Jabalpur. Bargi Dam is one of the first dams to be built among the 30 big dams being built on the Narmada River. Construction of the dam was started in 1974 and ended in 1990. Bargi Diversion Project and Rani Avantibai Lodhi Sagar Project are two important irrigation projects developed on this dam. The height of Bargi Dam is 69 meters and the length is 5.4 km. Its backwater forms a lake of 75 km in length and 4.5 km in width. Click here to read about Dumna Nature Reserve Park Jabalpur Places worth seeing in Bargi Dam You can do many activities in Bargi Dam and enjoy the beautiful views here. You can do it here: Enjoy a cruise and boat ride : Here you can enjoy the cruise by sitting on a cruise and enjoying the beautiful views of Bargi Dam and the Narmada River. This cruise will take you on a 45-minute tour of the Narmada River and you will see beautiful views of the water and many beautiful views. Apart from this, there are also arrangements for music and dance. You can enjoy the journey while listening to music and songs and dancing. Click here to learn about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. Apart from the cruise, there is also a speed boat here in which you can sit and feel the solo ride and make your journey adventurous and memorable. For speed boat and cruise ride, you will have to go to “MPT Maikal Resort” which is located near Bargi Dam. Click here to know about Chaitanya City Hanuman Temple Jabalpur 2. Enjoy fishing You can also enjoy fishing in Bargi Dam. If you are fond of fishing then you can fulfill your needs here. Click here to know details about Uttara Swami Malai Temple 3. Shree Nandikeshwar Temple Bargi Nandikeshwar Temple, situated 5 km away from Bargi Dam, is also one of the places worth seeing here. This temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and his great devotee Nandi Ji. Nandi ji had performed penance here and Lord Shiva, pleased with Nandi’s penance, had established himself here on the banks of river Narmada. If you want to read about Qutub Minar then click here. 4. MPT Maikal Resort, Bargi, Jabalpur MPT Maikal Resort of Bargi Dam is the main attraction and place worth seeing here. This is a resort where travelers can stay by renting rooms. Along with the resort, it also has a restaurant where all food items are available. There is an entry charge for going under in Maikal Resort and from here you can ride a cruise and speed boat. Speed boat and cruise charges also have to be paid separately. The distance from Bargi Dam to Maikal Resort is 1 km. Click for information about Kankali Devi Temple Tigwa. Maikal Resort charges (Entry fee, Speed boat, and Cruise charge) Entry Fee: Rs. 20 per person. Speed Boat Ride Charge: Rs. 200 per person. Cruise Charge: Rs.220 per person. Click here to learn about the Beautiful Ichhapurti temple Maihar. Interesting point of Bargi dam The height of the dam is 69 meters and the length is 5.4 km. The real name of Bargi Dam is the Rani Avanti Bai Lodhi Project. Click on the link to know about Gurdwara Bangla Sahib. How to Reach Bargi Dam Jabalpur By Air: If you want to come to Jabalpur by air, then the only airport here is Dumna Airport. Bargi Dam, Jabalpur is 42.6km away from here, You can reach Bargi Dam, Jabalpur by taxi, auto, or Bus. If you want to know about the Ancient Gola math temple please click here. By Train: The nearest railway station to reach Bargi Dam, Jabalpur, Railway Station. It is only 32.8km away from here. After entering, you can reach Bargi Dam by taxi, auto, or bus. Click here to learn about the Beautiful Waterfall of Katni City. By Bus: Jabalpur City is connected to every city in India by road. You can easily reach here from any city. Click here to know about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. Address and Google map of Bargi Dam Jabalpur Address: Bargi, Jabalpur District, Madhya Pradesh Click to know about the Janmabhoomi Temple of Shri Krishna. Images of Bargi Dam Jabalpur Other places to visit in Jabalpur. Know about Badera Chaturyug Dham Temple. Click for Details Dhuandhar Falls, Jabalpur Marble Rocks, Jabalpur Dumna Nature Reserve Park, Jabalpur Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Balancing Rock, Jabalpur Madan Mahal Fort, Jabalpur Rani Durgavati Museum, Jabalpur Chausath Yogini Temple, Jabalpur Bargi Dam, Jabalpur Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Pisanhari ki Madiya, Jabalpur Chataniya City Hanuman Temple Sea World Water Park Treasure Island, Mall Bhawartal Garden Kankali Devi Temple Sangram Sagar Lake Sri Vishnu Varaha Mandir Gwari Ghat Center Point Of India Tilwaraghat Jabalpur Choushat Yogini Temple Jabalpur Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Sangram Sagar Lake is located in Jabalpur and is one of the major tourist destinations in the state of Madhya Pradesh. This lake is located in the western part of Jabalpur city and is a drainage of the Narmada River. It is a major picnic spot and is very famous among tourists. Natural beauty and peace can be enjoyed here, and people spend time here with their family and friends. Sangram Sagar Lake is one of the places to visit in Jabalpur and it is also a popular picnic spot. Chousath Yogini Temple Jabalpur. Click here for full details. Raja Sangram Singh of Jabalpur built this lake in the 16th century. At that time this lake served as an important water storage site for the city and surrounding areas. Raja Sangram Singh built this lake to overcome the water shortage of the people of Jabalpur. The environment around this lake is so beautiful that it cannot even be imagined. There is a historical fort called Bajnamath Fort, which was built by Raja Sangram Shah on the banks of the lake. It adds to the beauty of the place with its magnificent architecture. Apart from this, an ancient temple on the banks of the lake also attracts thousands of devotees to this lake throughout the year. Sangram Sagar Lake is an ideal place for sightseeing in Jabalpur. Click here to read about Marble Rock, Jabalpur Gond King Sangram Shah had the construction done. This lake was created by Raja Sangram Shah of the powerful Gond dynasty of Jabalpur in the 6th century. The purpose of making this lake was to fulfill the water shortage here. It took a lot of time to build it but it was built and even today it is a good water source and its beauty is also amazing. Click here to know about Chaitanya City Hanuman Temple Jabalpur Things to see and do in Sangram Sagar Lake Here you can do many types of activities and fun. Here you can go fishing and along with fishing, you can also enjoy boating. The beautiful and scenic view here is very suitable for photography and making videos and if you have a passion for photography then this place is perfect for you. Click here to know about Tiwaraghat Jabalpur. There are many places around it where you can go. At a short distance from here is the Bajnamath Fort which was built by King Sangram Shah. Apart from this, the Bajna Math temple here is also very famous, people come from far away to see it, and if you come here, you must visit this temple. Click here to learn about Sharda Mata Temple Madan Mahal Temple Jabalpur Timing of Sangram Sagar Lake, Jabalpur 6 AM to 8 PM (All Days) Entry Fee / Ticket Price of Sangram Lake It’s free. How to reach By Air: If you want to come to Jabalpur by air, the only airport here is Dumna Airport. Sangram Sagar Lake is 22.2 km away from here, You can reach Sangram Sagar Lake by taxi, auto, or Bus. Click here to learn about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. By Train: The nearest railway station to reach, Sangram Sagar Lake is Jabalpur, Railway Station. It is only 8.5km away from here. After entering, you can reach Sangram Sagar Lake by taxi, auto, or bus. Click here to learn about the Beautiful Waterfall of Katni City. By Bus: Jabalpur City is connected to every city in India by road. You can easily reach here from any city. Google map and address of Sangram Sagar Lake, Jabalpur. Jabalpur’s famous Jain temple “Pisanhari ki Madiya”. Click here for details Images of Sangram sagar lake, Jabalpur Click here to learn about Sharda Mata Temple Madan Mahal Temple Jabalpur Other places to visit in Jabalpur. Dhuandhar Falls, Jabalpur Marble Rocks, Jabalpur Dumna Nature Reserve Park, Jabalpur Balancing Rock, Jabalpur Madan Mahal Fort, Jabalpur Rani Durgavati Museum, Jabalpur Chausath Yogini Temple, Jabalpur Bargi Dam, Jabalpur Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Center Point of India, Karondi, Jabalpur Chataniya City Hanuman Temple Sea World Water Park Treasure Island, Mall Bhawartal Garden Kankali Devi Temple Pisanhari ki Madiya Sri Vishnu Varaha Mandir Gwari Ghat Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Jabalpur is a magnificent city and its tourist places are famous worldwide. A glimpse of Indian culture is also visible in the tourist places here. Shiva Temple of Kachnar City, Jabalpur is one such temple and a tourist place that shows India’s spiritual culture. It is a unique example of the wonderful art of modern times. Click here to know Sangram Sagar Lake Jabalpur. Kachnar city is famous for the huge statue of Lord Shiva situated here which is 76 feet tall and it is believed that this idol is the tallest in Madhya Pradesh. In this idol, Lord Shiva is sitting in a meditative posture and he has four hands. There is also a statue of Lord Nandi ji below and in front of Lord Shiva. There is a cave beneath this huge Shiva statue under which are the 12 Jyotirlingas of Lord Shiva. These 12 Jyotirlingas of Lord Shiva have been brought from every corner of India and have special significance. This Shiva temple is famous not only in Jabalpur but also in the whole of India and distant countries, therefore many people come to see it every day. Jabalpur’s famous Museum “Rani Durgavati Museum” History of Lord Shiva temple and Shiva Statue The temple of Kachnar city and the statue of Lord Shiva were completed in 2004 but this temple was opened for the general public on 15 February 2006 to see the statue. A builder constructed this statue. Jabalpur’s famous Museum “Rani Durgavati Museum” In the cave beneath the statue are present the 12 Jyotirlingas of Lord Shiva. An artificial cave has been constructed under the statue under which 12 Jyotirlingas of Lord Shiva have been kept. These idols of lord shiva have been brought from different parts of India. Click here to know about Chaitanya City Hanuman Temple Jabalpur This place looks wonderful at night The view of Kachanar City Shiva Temple and Statue becomes much more beautiful at night because beautiful lighting and decorations are done at night. The glittering lighting, beautiful atmosphere, and the lovely garden here and its beauty look even more pleasing at night. Click here to learn about Sharda Mata Temple Madan Mahal Temple Jabalpur Timing of Kachnar City Shiva Temple Jabalpur 7 am – 9 pm (All day). Click here to learn about the Beautiful Ichhapurti temple Maihar. How to Reach By Air: If you want to come to Jabalpur by air, the only airport here is Dumna Airport. Kachnar City Shiva Statue, Jabalpur is 21km away from here, You can reach Kachnar City Shiva Statue, Jabalpur by taxi, auto, or Bus. If you want to know about the Ancient Gola math temple please click here. By Train: The nearest railway station to reach Kachnar City Shiva Statue, Jabalpur, Railway Station. It is only 8.7km away from here. After entering, you can reach Kachnar City Shiva Statue, Jabalpur by taxi, auto, or bus. Click here to learn about the Beautiful Waterfall of Katni City. By Bus: Jabalpur City is connected to every city in India by road. You can easily reach here from any town. Click here to know about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. Address and Google map of Kachnar City Shiva temple Address: E 19, Kachnar City Rd, Kanchan Vihar, Vijay Nagar, Jabalpur, Raksha, Madhya Pradesh 482002 To know about the Amazing and beautiful Jabalpur Jain Temple. Please click here. Images of Kachnar City Shiva Temple Click here to read about Dumna Nature Reserve Park Jabalpur Other places to visit in Jabalpur. Know about Badera Chaturyug Dham Temple. Click for Details Dhuandhar Falls, Jabalpur Marble Rocks, Jabalpur Kedarnath Temple Jabalpur Dumna Nature Reserve Park, Jabalpur Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Balancing Rock, Jabalpur Madan Mahal Fort, Jabalpur Rani Durgavati Museum, Jabalpur Chausath Yogini Temple, Jabalpur Bargi Dam, Jabalpur Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Pisanhari ki Madiya, Jabalpur Chataniya City Hanuman Temple Sea World Water Park Treasure Island, Mall Bhawartal Garden Kankali Devi Temple Sangram Sagar Lake Sri Vishnu Varaha Mandir Gwari Ghat Center Point Of India Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Rani Durgavati Museum is a collection of ancient historical artifacts located in Jabalpur. This Museum of Amazing Things is located in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. It is situated in Jabalpur City which was once the area of ​​rule of Rani Durgavati. This museum is situated in the crowded center of the city of Jabalpur. The famous Bhawartal Garden is also near this museum. Many statues, paintings, and other artifacts of ancient times are displayed here and along with this, a collection of coins of ancient times is also there. Here the life and culture of the tribal tribes have also been depicted through sculptures and paintings. Here the collection of idols of the Vaishnav, Jain, Shiva, and many gods and goddesses is kept in a separate gallery. Click here to know about Chaitanya City Hanuman Temple Jabalpur There is a huge garden outside of the Museum where statues and sculptures are kept, here there is the head of Lord Shiva, the statue of Lord Ganesha, and statues of Jain and Vishnu religion. There is a beautiful entrance gate here which is very attractive and beautiful, this gate has very beautiful carvings. Click here to know about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. History of Rani Durgavati Museum Jabalpur Rani Durgavati Museum was established in 1976 in memory of Rani Durgavati, the brave queen of the Gond Empire. Rani Durgavati had dedicated her entire life to fighting for her motherland. This museum has a collection of many ancient objects, there is a collection of ancient coins, a collection of prehistoric remains, and a collection of sculptures. A gallery of paintings depicting the life and times of Queen Dutargavati has also been installed here. To know about the Amazing and beautiful Jabalpur Jain Temple. Please click here. Artifacts worth seeing in Rani Durgavati Museum This museum has a vast collection of unique and antique objects and is a 2-story building that houses several galleries. Index Gallery, Jaina Gallery, Shaiva gallery, Vaishnava gallery, Excavation gallery, Inscription gallery, Coin gallery, and Tribal art gallery Click here to learn about Sharda Mata Temple Madan Mahal Temple Jabalpur Index Gallery: This gallery likely serves as an introduction to the museum and may contain information about the history of the museum and its collections. Shaiva Gallery: This gallery is likely dedicated to Shaivism, one of the major sects of Hinduism that worships Lord Shiva. It may feature sculptures, paintings, and artifacts related to Lord Shiva and his various forms and manifestations. Vaishnav Gallery: This gallery is likely dedicated to Vaishnavism, another major sect of Hinduism that worships Lord Vishnu and his incarnations. It may display art and artifacts related to Lord Vishnu and his avatars. Inscription Gallery: This gallery may showcase ancient inscriptions and epigraphs, which are valuable historical records that provide insights into the region’s history, culture, and languages. Coin Gallery: This gallery is likely dedicated to numismatics and may feature a collection of coins from different periods and dynasties, providing a glimpse into the economic history of the region. Tribal Art Gallery: This gallery may display art and artifacts created by the tribal communities of the region. It can provide visitors with a deeper understanding of the indigenous cultures and traditions. Jaina Gallery: This gallery is likely dedicated to Jainism, one of the ancient religious traditions in India. It may feature Jain sculptures, paintings, and artifacts related to Jain philosophy and history. Excavation Gallery: This gallery may showcase archaeological findings and artifacts from local excavations, shedding light on the ancient history and civilizations that once thrived in the region. Click for information about Kankali Devi Temple Tigwa. Entry Fee of Rani Durgavati Museum Jabalpur Indian Citizen: Rs.10.00 Foreigner: Rs 100Photography fee: Rs. 50 each cameraVideography fee: Rs. 200 for each camera Click here to learn about Jabalpur’s ancient Fort How to reach Rani Durgavati Museum Jabalpur To reach Rani Durgavati Museum in Jabalpur, you can use various modes of transportation, depending on your location and preferences. Jabalpur is well-connected by road, rail, and air. Here are the most common ways to reach the museum: Click here to learn about Jabalpur’s Waterfall Bhedaghat. 1. By Air: The nearest airport to Jabalpur is the Dumna Airport (Jabalpur Airport), which is approximately 20-25 kilometers away from the city center. You can book a flight to Jabalpur Airport from major Indian cities. From the airport, you can hire a taxi or use other local transportation options to reach the museum. Click here to learn about the Beautiful Ichhapurti temple Maihar. 2. By Train: Jabalpur Junction is a major railway station in the region and is well-connected to various parts of India. You can check train schedules and book tickets to Jabalpur Junction from your departure point. Once you arrive at Jabalpur Junction, you can hire a taxi, auto-rickshaw, or use other local transportation to reach the museum. Click here to learn about Katni Orthopedics Hanuman ji Temple. 3. By Road: Jabalpur is accessible by road through national highways and state highways. You can drive to Jabalpur or take a long-distance bus to the city. Depending on your starting point, you can plan your route to Jabalpur. Once you reach Jabalpur city, you can use a GPS or ask for directions to the Rani Durgavati Museum. Most locals are familiar with its location. Know about Badera Chaturyug Dham Temple. Click for Details 4. Local Transportation: Once you’re in Jabalpur, you can use local transportation options like auto-rickshaws, cycle rickshaws, or taxis to reach Rani Durgavati Museum. Click here to learn about the very famous Maa Jalpa Devi temple, Katni. Address and Google map of Rani Durgavati Museum Jabalpur Address: 5W7M+7M3, Napier Town, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh 482002 Click here to learn about the famous Vijayraghavgarh Fort of Katni Click here to read about Dumna Nature Reserve Park Jabalpur Images of Rani Durgavati Museum Jabalpur If you want to know about the Ancient Gola math temple please click here. Other places to visit in Jabalpur. Dhuandhar Falls, Jabalpur Marble Rocks, Jabalpur Dumna Nature Reserve Park, Jabalpur Balancing Rock, Jabalpur Madan Mahal Fort, Jabalpur Rani Durgavati Museum, Jabalpur Chausath Yogini Temple, Jabalpur Bargi Dam, Jabalpur Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Center Point of India, Karondi, Jabalpur Chataniya City Hanuman Temple Sea World Water Park Treasure Island, Mall Tilwara Ghat Bhawartal Garden Kankali Devi Temple Sangram Sagar Lake Sri Vishnu Varaha Mandir Gwari Ghat If you want to know about Maihar Sharda Goddess temple please click here Click for information about Kankali Devi Temple Tigwa. know about the beautiful Jagriti Park (Garden) of Katni Madhya Pradesh. Click here to learn about Katni Orthopedics Hanuman ji Temple. Click here to learn about other tourist places in Bilhari, Katni. Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Everyone is in awe of nature and its beauty and everyone gets lost in the beauty of nature, whether it is a beautiful mountain a grassy field a snow-covered place, or a nature park. One such natural place is very famous for its beauty and it is located in Jabalpur city of India. The name of this beautiful place is Dumna Nature Park. This is a park where you can see beautiful views of nature. This park is a nature reserve park, hence it is also called Dumna Nature Reserve Park, Jabalpur. This entire park is spread over 1058 hectares of land. Here you can see many wild animals like Deer, Peacock, Crocodile, Chita, and Moneys, and many other animals can be seen here. There is also a beautiful lake here, the lake is called Khandari Lake, there are dangerous crocodiles living in the lake, hence going not allow here can be seen this only from the far. To know about the Amazing and beautiful Jabalpur Jain Temple. Please click here. A place worth seeing is Dumna Nature Park. There is a lot worth seeing in Dumna Nature Reserve Park, Many species of animals are found here that are not easily seen like chital, wild boar, porcupine, jackal, and many species of birds are also found here. Apart from this, there are also nine leopards, more than 2,000 deer, chital, barking deer, four-horned antelope, jungle cat, and over 300 species of birds (both migratory and resident). Click here to know about Chaitanya City Hanuman Temple Jabalpur If you go here with your children, there is also a children’s park for children where swings, slides, and other equipment are available to entertain the children. Here children can also roam in the toy train and can tour the park in the toy train. Click here to learn about Sharda Mata Temple Madan Mahal Temple Jabalpur Here you can also enjoy cycling. Here you can also see the park while sitting on a bicycle. Park has a lot of things to do with your family and children. Here you can see the beautiful views of Khandari Lake and enjoy fishing in Khandari Dam. You can also enjoy boat riding here and also enjoy the fun of hanging bridge and tent platform. Click for information about Kankali Devi Temple Tigwa. If you want to know about the Ancient Gola math temple please click here. How to Reach By Air: If you want to come to Jabalpur by air, then the only airport here is Dumna Airport. Dumna Nature Park, Jabalpur is 9.5km away from here, You can reach Dumna Nature Park, Jabalpur by taxi, auto, or Bus. Click here to know about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. By Train: The nearest railway station to reach Dumna Nature Park, Jabalpur, Railway Station. It is only 22.8km away from here. After entering, you can reach Dumna Nature Park by taxi, auto, or bus. Click here to learn about the Beautiful Waterfall of Katni City. By Bus: Jabalpur City is connected to every city in India by road. You can easily reach here from any city. Timing of Dumna Nature Reserve Park, Jabalpur 6 AM – 6 PM (All Days) Click here to learn about Jabalpur’s ancient Fort Entry Fee of Dumna Nature Reserve Park Entry Fee: Rs.20 per person. Vehicle Charge: Rs.20. If you want to hire a Cycle to ride and explore the Park you have to pay Rs. 50. Toy Train Charge: Rs.25. Click here to learn about Jabalpur’s Waterfall Bhedaghat. Address and Google map of Dumna Nature Park Click here to learn about the very famous Maa Jalpa Devi temple, Katni. Images of Dumna Nature Reserve Park, Jabalpur Other places to visit in Jabalpur. Dhuandhar Falls, Jabalpur Marble Rocks, Jabalpur Dumna Nature Reserve Park, Jabalpur Balancing Rock, Jabalpur Madan Mahal Fort, Jabalpur Rani Durgavati Museum, Jabalpur Chausath Yogini Temple, Jabalpur Bargi Dam, Jabalpur Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Pisanhari ki Madiya, Jabalpur Chataniya City Hanuman Temple Sea World Water Park Treasure Island, Mall Tilwara Ghat Bhawartal Garden Kankali Devi Temple Sangram Sagar Lake Sri Vishnu Varaha Mandir Gwari Ghat Center Point Of India Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
There are many temples in India and the world which have their own story. Some temples are famous for their divine powers and some for their mythology and cultural literature. There is a similar temple in Jabalpur district of Madhya Pradesh state of India which is famous for the utmost devotion and devotion of a devotee. This temple is known as Pisanhari Ki Madiya and this temple is a temple of Jainism. This Jain temple was built in the 15th century by a woman who worshiped Jainism and despite being poor, she saved money and built this temple. Pisanhari Ki Madiya is one of the special temples of Jabalpur and is known for its beauty and historical importance. Click here to learn about Jabalpur’s ancient Fort This temple is situated on a hill and there are lush green trees all around it which add to its beauty. In this complex, the idol of Lord Mahaviraswamy is enshrined in the main temple and some small idols are also kept around it. Click here to know about Jabalpur’s Waterfall Bhedaghat. Later, 13 more temples were constructed at this place and the construction work of the 14th temple is going on. Now there are a total of 14 temples in this temple complex. Apart from the temple, Gurukul, Bridhashram, hospital, and many social institutions were opened at this place for the welfare of the people. This place is now being looked after by Digambar Jain Parswanath Sanstha. Click here to learn about Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga located in Khandwa, Indore. History of Pisanhari ki Madiya, Jabalpur This temple, a symbol of devotion, was built in the 15th century year 1442 and was built by a poor woman. According to old stories, it is said that 600 years ago, a poor woman who was a devotee of Jainism wanted to build a Jain temple but due to lack of money, she was not able to do so. But it is said that when there is a vision to do any work and immense devotion in the heart, then every work becomes possible. To raise money, the woman started raising money by grinding grains in a flour mill. At that time hand mill was used to grind flour. Click here to know about Chaitanya City Hanuman Temple Jabalpur Soon his efforts paid off and he earned enough money for the construction of the temple and got a temple built here. Even today, this temple is called Pisanhari Ki Madiya in the name of this woman. Pisanhari means a woman who grinds flour with a hand mill. There is a statue of this woman at the entrance of the temple and the stones of the hand mill are still preserved in this temple. She is also called Shramik Devi because, with her tireless efforts, she built this temple and made the impossible possible. Click here to know about the famous Vijayraghavgarh Fort of Katni Timing of Pisanhari ki Madiya Jabalpur 6 AM – 9 PM (All Days) Click here to learn about Sharda Mata Temple Madan Mahal Temple Jabalpur How to Reach By Air: If you want to come to Jabalpur by air, then the only airport here is Dumna Airport. Pisanhari ki Madiya, Jabalpur is 9.5km away from here, You can reach Pisanhari ki Madiya, Jabalpur by taxi, auto, or Bus. Click here to know about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. By Train: The nearest railway station to reach Pisanhari ki Madiya, Jabalpur, Railway Station. It is only 22.8km away from here. After entering, you can reach Pisanhari ki Madiya by taxi, auto, or bus. Click here to learn about the Beautiful Waterfall of Katni City. By Bus: Jabalpur City is connected to every city in India by road. You can easily reach here from any city. Address and Google map of Pisanhari ki Madiya, Jabalpur Click here to learn about Sharda Mata Temple Madan Mahal Temple Jabalpur Images of Pisanhari ki Madiya, Jabalpur Other places to visit in Jabalpur. Dhuandhar Falls, Jabalpur Marble Rocks, Jabalpur Dumna Nature Reserve Park, Jabalpur Balancing Rock, Jabalpur Madan Mahal Fort, Jabalpur Rani Durgavati Museum, Jabalpur Chausath Yogini Temple, Jabalpur Bargi Dam, Jabalpur Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Center Point of India, Karondi, Jabalpur Chataniya City Hanuman Temple Sea World Water Park Treasure Island, Mall Tilwara Ghat Bhawartal Garden Kankali Devi Temple Sangram Sagar Lake Sri Vishnu Varaha Mandir Gwari Ghat If you want to know about Maihar Sharda Goddess temple please click here Click for information about Kankali Devi Temple Tigwa. know about the beautiful Jagriti Park (Garden) of Katni Madhya Pradesh. Click here to learn about Katni Orthopedics Hanuman ji Temple. Click here to learn about other tourist places in Bilhari, Katni. Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Madhya Pradesh, which is called the heart of India, is known for its unprecedented natural and cultural sites and beauty. Madhya Pradesh is also very important from a geographical point of view. One such place from the geographical point of view is situated in Karondi Village of Jabalpur City, Madhya Pradesh. This village is the center point of India. This place is also called Center Point of India Karondi, Jabalpur. This place was discovered by the founder of Jabalpur Engineering College, S.P. Chakravarti, and his students in 1956. Later, this place was found to be geographically tied to the center of India. Click here to know about Chaitanya City Hanuman Temple Jabalpur This place is situated on the beautiful hills of Vindyachal mountain This very beautiful village is situated in the Vindhyachal mountain ranges and because of its beautiful and beautiful mountain ranges, it is also called the heart of the country. This place also has the status of a tourist place and the government has done a lot of work for the development of this village. Click here to learn about Jabalpur’s ancient Fort Click here to learn about Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga located in Khandwa, Indore. Late Prime Minister Mr. Chandrashekhar had built a memorial at this place. In 1987, the late Prime Minister Mr. Chandrashekhar visited this place and he got a memorial and a huge park at this place, and the place was given the status of a tourist spot. You will have a different feeling after going here, so definitely visit this place with your family and see the center point of India. Click here to learn about Sharda Mata Temple Madan Mahal Temple Jabalpur Click here to know details about Uttara Swami Malai Temple How to Reach Vishnu Varah Temple Majholi Jabalpur By Air: If you want to come to Jabalpur by air, then the only airport here is Dumna Airport. Center Point of India Karondi Jabalpur is 34.7km away from here, You can reach Center Point of India Karondi Jabalpur by taxi, auto, or Bus. Click on the link to learn about Gurdwara Bangla Sahib. Click here to learn about the very famous Maa Jalpa Devi temple, Katni. By Train: The nearest railway station to reach “Center Point of India Karondi Jabalpur” Railway Station. It is only 42.4km away from here. After entering, you can reach Karondi Village by taxi, auto, or bus. Click here to learn about the Beautiful Waterfall of Katni City. Click here to know about Sharda Devi temple Vijayraghavgarh Katni By Bus: Jabalpur City is connected to every city in India by road. You can easily reach here from any city. Know about the Shaktipeeth temple in the Maihar district of Madhya Pradesh. Address and Google map of Center Point of India, Karondi, Jabalpur Address: G86H+RH4, village karondi distt, Katni, Madhya Pradesh Click here to learn about the famous Vijayraghavgarh Fort of Katni Click here to learn about the Beautiful Waterfall of Katni City. If you want to know about the Ancient Gola math temple please click here. Images of Center Point of India, Karondi, Jabalpur Click here to know about Katni Orthopedics Hanuman ji Temple. Click here to learn about the Beautiful Ichhapurti temple Maihar. NEELKANTHESWAR BHAKTI DHAM Temple Salaiya. Click here to know. Other places to visit in Jabalpur. Dhuandhar Falls, Jabalpur Marble Rocks, Jabalpur Dumna Nature Reserve Park, Jabalpur Balancing Rock, Jabalpur Madan Mahal Fort, Jabalpur Rani Durgavati Museum, Jabalpur Chausath Yogini Temple, Jabalpur Bargi Dam, Jabalpur Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Pisanhari ki Madiya, Jabalpur Chataniya City Hanuman Temple Sea World Water Park Treasure Island, Mall Tilwara Ghat Bhawartal Garden Kankali Devi Temple Sangram Sagar Lake Sri Vishnu Varaha Mandir Gwari Ghat Click for information about Kankali Devi Temple Tigwa. Interesting information about the Katni City of Madhya Pradesh. Click here to learn about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. Beautiful Waterfall of Katni City. Click to learn about the Metro Museum, Delhi. To know about Mahakaleshwar Jyotirling of Ujjain click. Delhi Handcrafted Bazaar Dilli Haat. Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Art Ichol Maihar Satna is an art and sculpture residency that showcases handcrafts and art made from stones and scraps. This place is located 10 km away from Maihar and is situated amidst beautiful hills and lush green fields and trees in the village named Ichol. Art Ichol is an art museum where stones, cement, and scraps that we throw away as useless are used to create beautiful structures and designs. In this museum, one can see the idols made of stones, their designs, and their beautiful art and along with this, one can also see the handicraft items made by the nearby villagers. Apart from stones, many artifacts have also been made from bronze here. Beautiful art has been made by carving bronze. If you want to know about Maihar Sharda Goddess temple please click here Here the things of our daily and commercial use become useless and we consider them useless and throw them in the garbage. In Art Ichol Maihar, many beautiful artworks are created by using it. And then they are displayed for the general public to see at the Art Chol Maihar Art Museum which is located in Maihar. Here, exhibitions and art programs are also organized on a regular basis, where artists come from far and wide and display their art. Many cultural and art show programs are also organized in Art Ichol in which people take part and the general public is given a chance to be a part of it and enjoy it. Click here to learn about the Beautiful Ichhapurti temple Maihar. Art Ichol’s wonderful journey The journey of Art Ichol Maihar started in 2015. It was founded by Ambica Beri, an art lover and art patron. Ambika Beri is an art lover as well as a nature lover, hence she chose a place full of beautiful mountains and lush green trees to establish Art Ichol. It is located in the village named Ichol, which is named after “Art Ichol” where the architect, artists, photographer, and other art artists and handmade artist gives a new direction to art, and their art is also displayed here. If you want to know about the Ancient Gola math temple please click here. This art center established by Ambica Beri is a place for artists where they can show their art in the midst of people and there is also an employment opportunity for them. The people living in the village can display samples of beautiful art done by their own hands and get the opportunity of employment. Click here to learn about the famous Vijayraghavgarh Fort of Katni Art Ichol is promoting artists and handicrafts The Art Gallery Center built in Ichol Maihar is a unique art center, here Many beautiful and magnificent artworks have been created by artists coming from far and wide. Here artists can show the art created by them and their art is highly appreciated at this place. There are many exhibitions, competitions, and programs held at Art Ichol. Here an exhibition of handicraft items made by the villagers is also held and their items are also shown in the art gallery. Click here to learn about Katni Orthopedics Hanuman ji Temple. This motivates the villagers to do more work and leads to their economic and mental development. NEELKANTHESWAR BHAKTI DHAM Temple Salaiya. Click here to know. Entry Fee of Art Ichol, Maihar, Satna Entry fee: The entry fee for Art Chool is Rs 80 per person. Phone Camera Fee: The phone camera is free of charge. Professional Camera and PhotoGraphy Charge: Rs. 1500 per hour. Click for information about Kankali Devi Temple Tigwa. Timing of Art Ichol, Maihar, Satna 9 AM to 7 PM (All days) Click to know about the beautiful Jagriti Park (Garden) of Katni Madhya Pradesh. How to reach Art Ichol, Maihar, Satna By Train: Maihar has a main railway station, Maihar Junction, which can be reached from any part of India. The distance between Art Ichol Maihar to Maihar Junction is 34 km. Click here to learn about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. By Air: There is no airport in Maihar, if you want to come here by plane, you will have to land at Dumna Airport in Jabalpur. You can get to Art Ichol Maihar by taking a taxi bus or train. Interesting information about the Katni City of Madhya Pradesh. Click Here By Taxi: You can also go to Art Ichol Maihar by Own vehicle or taxi from Maihar. Click here to learn about the Beautiful Waterfall of Katni City. Address and Google Map of Art Ichol, Maihar, Satna Address: 7Q86+8X7, Maihar, Patehra, Madhya Pradesh 485771 Know about Badera Chaturyug Dham Temple. Click for Details Click here to learn about other tourist places in Bilhari, Katni. Images of Art Ichol, Maihar, Satna Interesting information about the Katni City of Madhya Pradesh. Click Here Click here to learn about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. Other places to visit are near Art Ichol Maihar Satna. Sharda mata temple Maihar Alha Udal Akhada Neelkanth Temple and Ashram Bada Akhada Mandir Maihar Panni Koh Waterfall Maihar Badi Kher Mai temple Maihar Oila Temple Maihar Lalitamba Shakti Peeth Maihar Ikshapurti Temple Maihar Vijayraghavgarh Fort, Katni. Suramya Park, Kataye Ghat. NEELKANTHESWAR BHAKTI DHAM, SALAIYA PADKHURI, VIJAYRAGHAVGARH, KATNI. Jagrirti Park, Madhav Nagar, Katni. Badera Chaturyug Dham Vasudha Waterfall Katni Sharda devi temple Vijayraghavgarh Vishnu Varah Temple Karanpur Roopnath Dhaam Kamakandla Fort, Bilhari, Katni Maihar (Maa Sharda Temple) Maa Jalpa Devi Katni Laxmi Narayan Temple Katni Click here to learn about the Beautiful Waterfall of Katni City. Interesting information about the Katni City of Madhya Pradesh. Click Here Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Peer Baba Dargah Katni is a holy place and prayer place of the Muslim community located in Katni city and it is located in Katni on the National Highway, 4-5 KM away from the city. This Dargah is dedicated to the Muslim Sufi saint Hazrat Titra Shah Data. This is a religious place in Katni city which is a special place for Muslims where Muslim devotees and people of many other religions also come here every day. A fair is also organized at this place in the month of March-April where a large number of people come. Click to learn about the beautiful Jagriti Park (Garden) of Katni Madhya Pradesh. To know about ancient Gola Math Temple India. Click Here There is also a temple of Lord Ram here in which the idols of Ram, Sita, Lakshman, and Hanuman ji are enshrined. On one side Pir Baba is the center of faith for the people of the Muslim religion, on the other hand, Ram Mandir is the center of faith for the devotees of the Hindu religion. This place is full of trees, plants, and greenery. Click here to learn about the very famous Maa Jalpa Devi temple, Katni. Click here to know about Jabalpur’s Waterfall Bhedaghat. A fair is organized here every year A fair is organized every year in the month of March near Peer Baba and Ram temple where shops are started. Different types of objects are found there. Many programs are organized here, Kawali and Geet Sangeet programs are also organized in Peer Baba’s Dargah where singers are called from far and wide. Click here to learn about other tourist places in Bilhari, Katni. NEELKANTHESWAR BHAKTI DHAM Temple Salaiya. Click here to know. Address and Google map of Peer Baba Katni Click here to learn about Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga located in Khandwa, Indore. Address: NH 7, Gulwara, Madhya Pradesh 483501 Click here to learn about the famous Vijayraghavgarh Fort of Katni Click here to learn about the Beautiful Waterfall of Katni City. If you want to know about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. Press the link Images of Peer Baba Katni Click here to learn about Sharda Devi temple Vijayraghavgarh Katni Information about Kankali Devi Temple Tigwa. Click here to learn the history of Madan Mahal Fort. Other places to visit are near Peer Baba Katni. Vijayraghavgarh Fort, Katni. Suramya Park, Kataye Ghat. Vaishno Devi Temple Sungarha Katni NEELKANTHESWAR BHAKTI DHAM, SALAIYA PADKHURI, VIJAYRAGHAVGARH, KATNI. Jagrirti Park, Madhav Nagar, Katni. Badera Chaturyug Dham Vasudha Waterfall Katni Sharda devi temple Vijayraghavgarh Vishnu Varah Temple Karanpur Roopnath Dhaam Kamakandla Fort, Bilhari, Katni Maihar (Maa Sharda Temple) Maa Jalpa Devi Katni Laxmi Narayan Temple Katni Know about the Shaktipeeth temple in the Maihar district of Madhya Pradesh. Interesting information about the Katni City of Madhya Pradesh. Click Here Click here to know about Katni Orthopedics Hanuman ji Temple. Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Jabalpur city located in India is called Sanskardhani because it is known for its idealistic culture and beautiful temples. Here there are temples of the ancient era, medieval era, and modern era which are known for their historical and magical story, and in every temple, the wish of the devotee is fulfilled. There is a temple in Majholi village, 40-50 km from Jabalpur, which is known as Vishnu Varah Temple. This temple is dedicated to lord Varaha, the 3rd incarnation of Lord Vishnu. This is a much-worshiped and miraculous temple, The temple is of the Kalchuri period and the idol of Lord Varaha situated in this temple is said to be from the 11th century. Vishnu Varaha Temple Majholi Jabalpur is located in Majholi, Jabalpur. Apart from Lord Varaha, there are also other idols that are very old and they are placed on the walls of the temple. Click here to learn about Jabalpur’s ancient Fort The idols of many gods and goddesses are fixed on the walls around this temple. This idol of Vishnu Varah was not there earlier in this temple or it is said that this idol was found by a boy while fishing in the village pond. Later this idol was made a temple and installed in it. Devotees keep coming to this temple daily, This temple is built in the middle of the village and the market area is also near this temple. Every wish asked from a true heart is fulfilled in this temple and that is why devotees come here from far-off cities apart from the village. Click here to know about Jabalpur’s Waterfall Bhedaghat. History of Vishnu Varah Temple Majholi, Jabalpur The history of the idol installed in the Vishnu Varaha temple dates back to the time of the Kalchuri dynasty and was built in the 10th to 11th century and was constructed of black stone. 33 koti idols of God have been carved into this idol and its design is unique. Click here to learn about Sharda Mata Temple Madan Mahal Temple Jabalpur There is a story related to this idol and the temple that a young man who was near Majholi village found the idol of Vishnu Varah in his net when he was searching for something. When the young man found that idol, it was very small and he took it to his home and started worshiping it. After some time strange incidents started happening in his house and he felt that a lot of damage had been done, he gave the idol to the village priests and the priests installed the idol in the temple by law. Click here to learn about Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga located in Khandwa, Indore. Miraculously the size of the idol started increasing. After installing the idol in the temple, suddenly the size of the idol started growing day by day. The idol, which was initially the size of a palm, suddenly started becoming huge. The size of the idol had increased so much that the temple was also broken. Therefore, in order to stop its increasing size, the priests made a hole in this idol with a gold nail through the rules and regulations, and then the growth of this idol was stopped. To know about ancient Gola Math Temple India. Click Here This is an 11th-century historical temple of the Kalchuri period This temple is a historical heritage of India because it belongs to an ancient royal dynasty. Yah vishnu varah murti aur uska temple kalchuri rajya vansh ke samaye banayi gayi thi kalchuri rajya vansh ek shaktishali rajya vansh tha. The nirman of the idol took place in 10-11 centuries. Click here to learn about the famous Vijayraghavgarh Fort of Katni Timing of Vishnu Varah Temple Majhloi Jabalpur 6 AM to 9:30 PM (All Days) Click here to learn about Sharda Devi temple Vijayraghavgarh Katni How to Reach Vishnu Varah Temple Majholi Jabalpur By Air: If you want to come to Jabalpur by air, then the only airport here is Dumna Airport. Vishnu Varah Temple, Majholi, Jabalpur is 49km away from here, You can reach Vishnu Varah Temple, Majholi, Jabalpur by taxi, auto, or Bus. Click on the link to learn about Gurdwara Bangla Sahib. By Train: The nearest railway station to reach Vishnu Varah Temple, Majholi, Jabalpur Railway Station. It is only 43km away from here. After entering, you can reach Majholi Village by taxi, auto, or bus. Click here to learn about the Beautiful Waterfall of Katni City. By Bus: Jabalpur City is connected to every city in India by road. You can easily reach here from any city. Know about the Shaktipeeth temple in the Maihar district of Madhya Pradesh. Address and Google Map of Vishnu Varah temple Majholi Jabalpur Address: FWXG+74G Police Station, Indrana Rd, near Manjholi, Majholi, Madhya Pradesh 483336 Click to know about the beautiful Jagriti Park (Garden) of Katni Madhya Pradesh. Images of Vishnu Varah temple Majholi Katni Interesting information about the Katni City of Madhya Pradesh. Click Here Click here to know about Katni Orthopedics Hanuman ji Temple. Other places to visit in Jabalpur. Dhuandhar Falls, Jabalpur Marble Rocks, Jabalpur Dumna Nature Reserve Park, Jabalpur Balancing Rock, Jabalpur Madan Mahal Fort, Jabalpur Rani Durgavati Museum, Jabalpur Chausath Yogini Temple, Jabalpur Bargi Dam, Jabalpur Tilwara Ghat, Jabalpur Pisanhari ki Madiya, Jabalpur Chataniya City Hanuman Temple Sea World Water Park Treasure Island, Mall Tilwara Ghat Bhawartal Garden Kankali Devi Temple Sangram Sagar Lake Sri Vishnu Varaha Mandir Gwari Ghat Click for information about Kankali Devi Temple Tigwa. Click here to learn the history of Madan Mahal Fort. Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Ichhapurti KJS Temple is located in the Maihar district of Satna in the Madhya Pradesh state of India. This temple is dedicated to Adi Shakti Goddess Durga. It is also known as KJS Temple, it is a very attractive temple, which has been designed like Akshardham of Delhi. This temple is built on the premises of the KJS Cement Factory located in Maihar. Maihar is famous all over India for Goddess Sharda and now Ichhapurti temple has also become a very famous pilgrimage place here. Ichhapurti Temple Kjs Cement Plant, Maihar temple is spread over an area of ​​12 square feet and it took 7 years to build it. To know about ancient Gola Math Temple India. Click Here Pink stones have been used in the construction of this temple, which were brought from Banshipaharpur in Rajasthan. Craftsmen were called from Jaipur to do artwork on these letters. This temple is 62 feet high from the ground and it has been built in a very beautiful way. A beautiful garden has been built around the temple and a beautiful fountain has been built in front of the temple. Although this grand temple is dedicated to Goddess Durga, apart from Goddess Durga, there is also a statue of Lord Ram Sita, Lord Shiva’s Linga, Nandi’s statue, and Ram devotee Hanuman ji. If you want to know about Maihar Sharda Goddess temple please click here History of Ichhapurti Temple Kjs Cement Plant, Maihar temple The foundation stone of this temple built in Akshardham style was done on 19th November 2011 and then work went on in this temple continuously for 7 years. Many skilled artisans from Jaipur worked here for many months and made beautiful idols of deities and flowers and leaves on the stones. The pink stone here was imported from Rajasthan. Click here to know about the famous Vijayraghavgarh Fort of Katni It was inaugurated on 24 February 2018 and it was opened to the general public. Company’s Chairman Kamal Jit Singh Ahluwalia and Vice Chairman Pawan Jit Singh Ahluwalia were also present at the inauguration ceremony of the temple. Click here to learn about other tourist places in Bilhari, Katni. This temple was completed in 7 years and is spread over 12 thousand square feet This beautiful temple was completed in 7 years and many laborers and craftsmen worked in it. Its construction work started in the year 2011 and it was completed in 2018. This temple is built on about 12 thousand square feet. Click for information about Kankali Devi Temple Tigwa. This temple is built on the lines of Akshardham Temple in Delhi The Ichhapurti KJS temple of Maihar has been designed on the lines of the Akshardham Temple in Delhi which is dedicated to Lord Swaminarayan. The Ichhapurti KJS temple of Maihar dedicated to Goddess Durga is also known as Shakti. Click here to know about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. Timing of Ichhapurti Temple Maihar 7 AM to 9 PM (All days) Click here to know about Sharda Devi temple Vijayraghavgarh Katni How to reach Ichhapurti KJS temple Maihar By Train: Ichhapurti temple Maihar has a main railway station, Maihar Junction, which can be reached from any part of India. The distance between Ichhapurti temple to Maihar Junction is 34 km. Click here to know about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. By Air: There is no airport in Maihar, if you want to come here by plane, you will have to land at Dumna Airport in Jabalpur. You can get to Ichhapurti temple by taking a taxi bus or train. Interesting information about the Katni City of Madhya Pradesh. Click Here By Bus: You can also go to Ichhapurti temple by bus from Katni. Click here to know about the Beautiful Waterfall of Katni City. Address and google map of Ichhapurti KJS temple Maihar Address: 7Q4V+H9P, Maihar, Katiya Kalan, Madhya Pradesh 485771 Click to know about the beautiful Jagriti Park (Garden) of Katni Madhya Pradesh. Images of Ichhapurti KJS temple Maihar Interesting information about the Katni City of Madhya Pradesh. Click Here Click here to know about Katni Orthopedics Hanuman ji Temple. Other places to visit are near Ichhapurti Maihar temple Temple. Sharda mata temple Maihar Alha Udal Akhada Neelkanth Temple and Ashram Bada Akhada Mandir Maihar Panni Koh Waterfall Maihar Badi Kher Mai temple Maihar Oila Temple Maihar Lalitamba Shakti Peeth Maihar Gola Math temple Maihar, katni Vijayraghavgarh Fort, Katni. Suramya Park, Kataye Ghat. NEELKANTHESWAR BHAKTI DHAM, SALAIYA PADKHURI, VIJAYRAGHAVGARH, KATNI. Jagrirti Park, Madhav Nagar, Katni. Badera Chaturyug Dham Vasudha Waterfall Katni Sharda devi temple Vijayraghavgarh Vishnu Varah Temple Karanpur Roopnath Dhaam Kamakandla Fort, Bilhari, Katni Maihar (Maa Sharda Temple) Maa Jalpa Devi Katni Laxmi Narayan Temple Katni Click for information about Kankali Devi Temple Tigwa. Click here to learn the history of Madan Mahal Fort. Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Golamath temple Maihar is an ancient temple and it is the ancient heritage of our Hindu religion. This temple is located in Maihar city of Madhya Pradesh and comes at the entrance of Satna district. The temple here is dedicated to the Hindu God Shiva and in this temple there is a very ancient Shivling of Lord Shiva, which has been worshiped here since ancient times. This temple belongs to the Kalchuri period and this temple was built in the 11th century. If you want to know about Maihar Sharda Goddess temple please click here This whole temple was built by cutting a huge stone and it was a single stone, no other stone was used in it. Apart from the Golamath Temple, there is also a temple of Lord Ram-Sita, Lord Vishnu, and Goddess Kali. Click here to know about the famous Vijayraghavgarh Fort of Katni This temple is made of a single rock The Golamath Temple is not made of individual stones but is carved out of a single huge rock. Many artifacts have been engraved in this temple, in the idols of Hindu Gods and Goddesses have been engraved. It is surprising that it was built from a single stone, but it is also said that this temple was built in one night. It is also said that this temple was not built by humans but by ghosts. If you want to know about Beautiful Vasudha Waterfall click here. Apart from being historical and religious, this temple contains many secrets within itself. Click here to learn about other tourist places in Bilhari, Katni. History of Golamath Temple, Maihar This temple was built in 11 century and the construction of this temple was done by the rulers of the Kalchuri dynasty. The Kalchuri dynasty was a powerful dynasty that built many temples and monuments in India. The descendants of the Brahmins who had handed over this temple to the Kalchuri dynasty are still worshiping and taking care of this temple. NEELKANTHESWAR BHAKTI DHAM Temple Salaiya. Click here to know. This temple was built by Ghosts It is said about this temple that it was built by ghosts and spirits. This temple was built in a single night and it was made from a single huge rock. It is a bit difficult to say whether this thing is true or false because it is a Shiva temple and ghosts and souls are also included in the Ganas of Lord Shiva. It is not possible for a person to make such beautiful sculptures and designs on stone in one night. The design and architecture of the Gola Matha Temple Gola Math Temple is built in the Nagara style and the workmanship done on the temple reflects the beauty and amazing workmanship of this style. This temple, built during the Kalchuri period, is a unique creation of its time, which shows how developed Indian craftsmanship and sculpture art is. Interesting information about the Katni City of Madhya Pradesh. Click Here The stone has been cut and the idols of many gods and goddesses have been carved. Here Lord Vishnu, Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Ganesha, Lord Shankar-Parvati, and some other deities have been placed in the temple. Click here to learn the history of Madan Mahal Fort. Timing of Gola Math Temple, Maihar 6 AM to 9 PM (All days) Click for information about Kankali Devi Temple Tigwa. How to reach Muhas Hanuman temple Katni. By Train: Maihar has a main railway station, Maihar Junction, which can be reached from any part of India. The distance between Gola Math temple to Maihar Junction is 34 km. Click here to know about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. By Air: There is no airport in Maihar, if you want to come here by plane, you will have to land at Dumna Airport in Jabalpur. You can get to Maihar Gola Math temple by taking a taxi bus or train. Interesting information about the Katni City of Madhya Pradesh. Click Here By Bus: You can also go to Gola Math temple by bus from Katni. Click here to know about the Beautiful Waterfall of Katni City. Address and Google map of Gola Math Temple Maihar Address: 7P9W+8JV, Maihar, Udaipur, Madhya Pradesh 485771 Click to know about the beautiful Jagriti Park (Garden) of Katni Madhya Pradesh. Images of Gola Math Temple Maihar Know about Badera Chaturyug Dham Temple. Click for Details Other places to visit are near Gola Math Temple. Sharda mata temple Maihar Alha Udal Akhada Neelkanth Temple and Ashram Bada Akhada Mandir Maihar Panni Koh Waterfall Maihar Badi Kher Mai temple Maihar Oila Temple Maihar Lalitamba Shakti Peeth Maihar Ikshapurti Temple Maihar Vijayraghavgarh Fort, Katni. Suramya Park, Kataye Ghat. NEELKANTHESWAR BHAKTI DHAM, SALAIYA PADKHURI, VIJAYRAGHAVGARH, KATNI. Jagrirti Park, Madhav Nagar, Katni. Badera Chaturyug Dham Vasudha Waterfall Katni Sharda devi temple Vijayraghavgarh Vishnu Varah Temple Karanpur Roopnath Dhaam Kamakandla Fort, Bilhari, Katni Maihar (Maa Sharda Temple) Maa Jalpa Devi Katni Laxmi Narayan Temple Katni Click here to know about the Beautiful Waterfall of Katni City. Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Today we are going to tell you about one such temple Mata Vaishno Devi located near Katni City, which is a holy and major center of the Hindu faith. This temple is built on a hill in Sungaraha village of Katni City. This village is also called Sumarha. Vaishno Devi Temple Sungarha Katni is 15 km away from Katni City and Panna district also starts from here. This temple is dedicated to the mother of the world, Mata Vaishno Devi. This Vaishno Devi Sungaraha Temple is a small temple of Mata Vaishno Devi of Katra Dham. To go to this temple, you have to go through the hill and cross many stairs to reach the temple. Click here to know about Sharda Devi temple Vijayraghavgarh Katni The wishes of the devotees are fulfilled in this temple and apart from Mata Vaishno Devi, there is also a temple of Bhairav ​​Nath. It is believed that if you have the darshan of Mata Vaishno Devi, then the darshan of Bhairav ​​Nath is also mandatory. Devotees come and go daily in this temple. But there is a lot of crowd here during Navrats and a fair is also organized here during Navrats. This temple is very famous and the devotees have unwavering faith in Mata Vaishno Devi. If you also want to visit this temple, then definitely go once. Click here to know about the famous Vijayraghavgarh Fort of Katni There is a huge crowd of devotees during Navratras. Although daily devotees come to Sungarha Vaishno Devi temple to have visit of the goddess, when the time of Navratras comes, then there is a lot of crowd in this temple. A fair is also organized here on this day where different types of shops are set up. There are shops for clothes, toys, cosmetics, Shoes, etc. here. Apart from this, there are also shops for children, toys and sweets, etc. If you want to know about Beautiful Vasudha Waterfall so click here. People from the city and outside the city come here during Navratri to enjoy the visit and fair of the Goddess. Click to know about the beautiful Jagriti Park (Garden) of Katni Madhya Pradesh. Worship of Bhairav ​​Nath along with Mata Vaishno is mandatory here. Like Mata Vaishno Devi located in Katra Jammu, here also after Mata Vaishno Devi, darshan of Bhairav ​​Nath is mandatory. Here also people visit Mata Vaishno and then after that they complete their journey by showing the idol of Bhairav. If you also come here, then do visit the temple of Bhairav ​​Nath. Click here to know about other tourist places in Bilhari, Katni. Timing of Temple Sungarha Katni 6 am – 6 pm (All days) Interesting information about the Katni City of Madhya Pradesh. Click Here How to reach Sumarha Vaishno Mata Temple? To go Here, you have to come to Katni City first because this temple can be reached only through Katni. This temple is located in Sungarha village, 15 km away from Katni. Katni’s famous railway station is Katni Junction and Mudwara Junction from where trains leave for every major city of India. Click here to know about the very famous Maa Jalpa Devi temple, Katni. You can also come to Katni by bus. Katni Road facility is connected to every major city in India. Address and Google map of Vaishno Devi temple Sungarha Katni Address: W8J6+MHV, Sugraha, Madhya Pradesh. NEELKANTHESWAR BHAKTI DHAM Temple Salaiya. Click here to know. Images of Vaishno Devi temple Sungarha Katni Click here to know about the very famous Maa Jalpa Devi temple, Katni. Other places to visit are near Vaishno Devi temple Sungarha Katni. Vijayraghavgarh Fort, Katni. Suramya Park, Kataye Ghat. NEELKANTHESWAR BHAKTI DHAM, SALAIYA PADKHURI, VIJAYRAGHAVGARH, KATNI. Jagrirti Park, Madhav Nagar, Katni. Badera Chaturyug Dham Vasudha Waterfall Katni Sharda devi temple Vijayraghavgarh Vishnu Varah Temple Karanpur Roopnath Dhaam Kamakandla Fort, Bilhari, Katni Maihar (Maa Sharda Temple) Maa Jalpa Devi Katni Laxmi Narayan Temple Katni Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
The temple of Mata Sharda situated in Vijayraghavgarh is a major temple and religious place of Vijayraghavgarh. This temple is located at Vijayraghavgarh place in the Katni district of Madhya Pradesh. Vijayraghavgarh is a tehsil and a nagar panchayat of Katni City. Sharda Devi Temple Vijayraghavgarh is a very ancient temple and it was established by Raja Gaya Prasad of Vijayraghavgarh. Sharda Mata of Vijayraghavgarh is elder sister of Sharda Mata of Maihar. The way the goddess Sharda Maa of Maihar is famous, in the same way, the temple of Sharda Mata of Vijayraghavgarh is also very famous. People come from far and wide to have darshan here and there is a huge crowd of devotees throughout the year, but the crowd increases a lot during Navratri. Click here to know about the famous Vijayraghavgarh Fort of Katni A fair is organized here on Navratras, in which people from the city and other cities come to visit the fair. Here all the wishes of the devotees are fulfilled. NEELKANTHESWAR BHAKTI DHAM Temple Salaiya. Click here to know. History of Vijayraghavgarh Maa Sharda temple It is believed that when King Gayaprasad came to Vijayraghavgarh, Mata Sharda also come with him. After coming here, he got the temple of Mata Sharda constructed on a hill in 1826. Raja Gaya Prasad was a great devotee of Maa Sharda and had unwavering faith in his mother Sharda. Apart from this temple, he also got the Vijayaraghavgarh fort and other religious places built here. Click here to know about Katni Orthopedics Hanuman ji Temple. Vijayraghavgarh’s Goddess Sharda is the elder sister of Maihar’s Goddess Sharda. Devi Sharda Mata of Vijayraghavgarh is the elder sister of Maihar Mata Sharda. Maihar is a religious place where Mata Sharda is considered to be the form of Goddess Saraswati. Goddess Sharda of Vijayraghavgarh and Goddess Sharda of Maihar are both forms of Goddess Saraswati. Click here to know about the very famous Maa Jalpa Devi temple, Katni. Timing of Vijayraghavgarh Sharda Darshan If you want to know about Beautiful Vasudha Waterfall so click here. 6 am – 9 pm (All days) How to reach? By Train: To reach this Maa Sharda temple Vijayraghavgarh you have to come to Katni City as it is very close to Katni. Katni has two main railway stations, Katni Junction and Mudwara, which can be reached from any part of India. The distance between Maa Sharda temple Vijayraghavgarh to Katni Junction and Mudwara Railway is 35.5 km. Click here to know about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. By Air: There is no airport in Katni, if you want to come here by plane, you will have to land at Dumna airport in Jabalpur. Where you can get to Katni Fort by taking a taxi or bus or train. Click to know about the beautiful Jagriti Park (Garden) of Katni Madhya Pradesh. By Bus: You can also go to Maa Sharda temple Vijayraghavgarh by bus from Katni. Click for information about Kankali Devi Temple Tigwa. Address and Google map of Maa Sharda temple Vijayraghavgarh Address: XJW7+C9H, Vijayraghavgarh – Karitalai Rd, Madhya Pradesh 483775 Click here to know about other tourist places in Bilhari, Katni. Images of Maa Sharda temple Vijayraghavgarh Interesting information about the Katni City of Madhya Pradesh. Click Here Other places to visit are near Maa Sharda temple, Vijayraghavgarh. Vijayraghavgarh Fort, Katni. Suramya Park, Kataye Ghat. NEELKANTHESWAR BHAKTI DHAM, SALAIYA PADKHURI, VIJAYRAGHAVGARH, KATNI. Jagrirti Park, Madhav Nagar, Katni. Badera Chaturyug Dham Vasudha Waterfall Katni Maa Vaishnav Devi Dhaam, Village Sungarha. Vishnu Varah Temple Karanpur Roopnath Dhaam Kamakandla Fort, Bilhari, Katni Maihar (Maa Sharda Temple) Maa Jalpa Devi Katni Laxmi Narayan Temple Katni Click here to know about the Kheer Bhawani Temple, Jammu. Click here to know the history of Madan Mahal Fort. Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Muhas Hanuman Temple is a famous temple located in the village named Muhas in Katni City of Madhya Pradesh. The fame of the temple is spread all over India, the fame of the temple is not the path of worship or any other religious work, but it is the treatment of diseases that are cured by the practice of the temple. This temple is dedicated to Hanuman Ji, a great devotee of Lord Rama. This is a miraculous temple where every disease of the people is cured and it is believed that all this happens with the grace and blessings of Lord Hanuman. Especially there is a crowd of people suffering from bone diseases and this temple is also known as Bone Disease Vicesag Hanuman Temple. Know about Badera Chaturyug Dham Temple. Click for Details Patients with broken bones and fractured bones come to this temple daily and all of them get cured immediately after the darshan of Hanuman ji. There is more crowd in this temple than in the hospital. This temple is 35 km away from the Katni district. Every day thousands of people come here for the treatment of their sorrows, pains, and diseases, and all their wishes and sorrows are also removed. This temple is also known by the names of Hanumanji with bone diseases, Hanuman with orthopedic problems, Doctor Hanuman, etc. Click here to know about the famous Vijayraghavgarh Fort of Katni Broken bone and bone-related diseases are treated here Like other temples, Hanuman ji is worshiped here, as well as diseases are also treated here, especially the bone of the heart is treated here. Whoever has a broken bone or a fracture or any kind of bone problem, Hanuman Ji’s grace comes here and he gets treated. Here, a medicine is also given to the patients by the pundits, it is believed that only with the blessings of this medicine and Hanuman ji, the devotees become free from diseases. NEELKANTHESWAR BHAKTI DHAM Temple Salaiya. Click here to know. Hanuman ji is called Doctor Hanuman Here Hanuman ji is also called Doctor Hanuman ji and he is also called Orthopedic Specialist. This is because the diseases of all the devotees who come here, especially the patients suffering from bone diseases, get cured. All this happens only by the grace of Lord Hanuman Ji and no devotee has been left empty-handed from here. Click here to know about the very famous Maa Jalpa Devi temple, Katni. How to reach Muhas Hanuman temple Katni. By Train: To reach this Hanuman temple you have to come to Katni City as it is very close to Katni. Katni has two main railway stations, Katni Junction and Mudwara, which can be reached from any part of India. The distance between Muhas Hanuman temple to Katni Junction and Mudwara Railway is 34 km. By Air: There is no airport in Katni, if you want to come here by plane, you will have to land at Dumna airport in Jabalpur. Where you can get to Katni Fort by taking a taxi or bus or train. Interesting information about the Katni City of Madhya Pradesh. Click Here By Bus: You can also go to Muhas Hanuman temple by bus from Katni. Click here to know about the Beautiful Waterfall of Katni City. Timing of Muhas Hanuman temple Timing: 5 am–9 pm (All days) Address and Google map of Muhas Hanuman temple Katni Address:  VGJ8+3F8, Muhas, Madhya Pradesh 483501 Click here to know about other tourist places in Bilhari, Katni. Images of Muhas Hanuman Temple Katni Click to know about the beautiful Jagriti Park (Garden) of Katni Madhya Pradesh. Other places to visit are near Muhas Hanuman Temple Katni. Sharda Devi Temple, Vijayraghavgarh Suramya Park, Kataye Ghat. NEELKANTHESWAR BHAKTI DHAM, SALAIYA PADKHURI, VIJAYRAGHAVGARH, KATNI. Jagrirti Park, Madhav Nagar, Katni. Badera Chaturyug Dham Vijayraghavgarh Fort Vasudha Waterfall Katni Maa Vaishnav Devi Dhaam, Village Sungarha. Vishnu Varah Temple Karanpur Roopnath Dhaam Kamakandla Fort, Bilhari, Katni Maihar (Maa Sharda Temple) Maa Jalpa Devi Katni Laxmi Narayan Temple Katni Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
The fort of Vijayraghavgarh is situated in the Tehsil and Nagar Panchayat of Katni City named Vijayraghavgarh. It is a historical fort and is related to the great and heroic king Saryu Prasad. This fort is also related to the revolution of 1857 because, in the revolution of 1857, Raja Saryu Prasad played an important role here. This is an ancient fort and the texture and design are very impressive the many rooms and temples inside this fort were also built. This fort was built in terms of security and protection from enemies so that the fort could be protected from any enemy or invader. Click here to know about the Beautiful Waterfall of Katni City. This fort is surrounded by a huge Ditch from two sides, while the third part of it is surrounded by a huge hill. Water was filled on the pits of this fort, in which crocodiles and poisonous snakes were kept so that the enemy could not reach inside this fort. If you are looking for a historical place to visit, then you must visit this fort and it is also a good place for a picnic spot. NEELKANTHESWAR BHAKTI DHAM Temple Salaiya. Click here to know. History of Vijayraghavgarh Fort Katni The construction work of this fort started in 1826 and it is believed that its construction work went on for many years. It was built by Gaya Prasad, the great king of the princely state of Vijayraghavgarh. Raja Gaya Prasad was the father of Saryu Prasad. The main purpose of its establishment was to build a secure fort that was seduced by enemies and invaders and could not enter inside it. Know about Badera Chaturyug Dham Temple. Click for Details A huge and majestic door was made on the entrance door of this fort and its two sides were made of a huge ditch and huge Crocodiles and poisonous snakes were kept. The remaining part of it is surrounded by a huge mountain which also makes a shield for this fort. This fort is not just because of known for its safeness, but also because of the need for its Beautiful painting and unique designs. Click for information about Kankali Devi Temple Tigwa. Beautiful Rang Mahal and other wonderful designs. The Rang mahal here is considered to be the beauty of the place and this Rang mahal has been given a very beautiful and wonderful design. Its beauty is made by seeing it. And the temple of Raghav ji here is also a special creation of this place. This temple is known as the symbol of victory. Raja Gaya Prasad ji had left no stone unturned to get this fort built. He wanted to make this fort very beautiful and memorable and for this, he called many artists and artisans. Know about the Shaktipeeth temple in the Maihar district of Madhya Pradesh. Apart from this, many forts and princely states and dynasties, and many rooms were built here for the residence of queens, which are very attractive and wonderful. Even today, the artworks made in this fort give knowledge of the unique craft of that time. Click here to know about the very famous Maa Jalpa Devi temple, Katni. This fort is a symbol of the revolution of 1857 This historical fort is not only famous for its beauty, but it is also a living symbol of the fight against the British. This princely state also participated in the revolution of 1857 and fought with the British. King Saryu Prasad of this princely state fought in 1857 and opposed the British. Raja Saryu Prasad fought with the British army and gave a befitting reply to them. Even the British soldiers were stunned to see their bravery. Click here to know about other tourist places in Bilhari, Katni. The British had also attacked the main gate of this fort with a cannon but could not demolish the strong wall of this fort. It was a powerful dynasty that raised its voice against the tyranny of the British and Raja Saryu Prasad was the driver and powerful king of this dynasty. He faced the British till the last breath and he also shot the British commissioner. But the British had captured this dynasty by treachery and cheating. Even today the example of the bravery of this dynasty and this fort is given. Click here to know about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. Entry Fee of Vijayraghavgarh Fort Katni No entry is free in this fort, roaming here and entry in this fort is free. Click to know about the beautiful Jagriti Park (Garden) of Katni Madhya Pradesh. How to reach Vijayraghavgarh Fort? By Train: To reach this fort you have to come to Katni City as it is very close to Katni. There is no railway station in Vijayraghavgarh, so it would be best to go via Katni. Katni has two main railway stations, Katni Junction and Mudwara, which can be reached from any part of India. The distance between Vijayarghavgarh Fort to Katni Junction and Mudwara Railway is 35 km. Click here to know about Jabalpur’s Waterfall Bhedaghat. By Air: There is no airport in Vijayraghavgarh and Katni, if you want to come here by plane, you will have to land at Dumna airport in Jabalpur. Where you can get to Vijayraghavgarh Fort by taking a taxi or bus. Interesting information about the Katni City of Madhya Pradesh. Click Here By Bus: You can also go to Vijayraghavgarh Fort by bus from Katni. Address and Google map of Vijayraghavgarh Fort. Address: Vijayraghavgarh, Madhya Pradesh 483775 Click here to know about Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga located in Khandwa, Indore. Images of Vijayraghavgarh Fort. Click here to know about Mahakaleshwar Jyotirling of Ujjain. Other places to visit are near Vijayaraghavgarh Fort. Sharda Devi Temple, Vijayraghavgarh Suramya Park, Kataye Ghat. NEELKANTHESWAR BHAKTI DHAM, SALAIYA PADKHURI, VIJAYRAGHAVGARH, KATNI. Jagrirti Park, Madhav Nagar, Katni. Badera Chaturyug Dham Vasudha Waterfall Katni Maa Vaishnav Devi Dhaam, Village Sungarha. Vishnu Varah Temple Karanpur Roopnath Dhaam Kamakandla Fort, Bilhari, Katni Maihar (Maa Sharda Temple) Maa Jalpa Devi Katni Laxmi Narayan Temple Katni Click here to know about the Kheer Bhawani Temple, Jammu. Click here to know the history of Madan Mahal Fort. Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Vasudha Waterfall is the only natural and beautiful waterfall in Katni City. It is located in the village named Vasudha in Katni City and one has to go through the raw road and forests to reach here. This is a very beautiful place of nature that has been gifted to Katni City but very few people know this place. This beautiful waterfall is surrounded by beautiful green forests and hilly areas and the view around it is very pleasing. Unique temple of Lord Shiva where all wishes are fulfilled. Click for details. This place is about 35 km away from Katni City and to come here you will have to come on your own from there or by taxi as there is no bus service here. To come here, you have to come to Vasudha village, then you can see the view of this waterfall after passing through the fields and rocky area. Vasudha Village falls near a place called Rithi of Katni City. If you are looking for a romantic place for your weekend and want to enjoy the calm and beautiful views with friends, then this place is perfect for you. Click to know about the beautiful Jagriti Park (Garden) of Katni Madhya Pradesh. Unique place for nature lovers Most people like nature and its beautiful scenery like trees, forests, rivers, and waterfalls, because they have a charm that draws us towards them. The waterfall situated in Vasudha Village of Katni is also such a beautiful place that will remove all the worries from your mind and mind and will refresh you. Click for information about Kankali Devi Temple Tigwa. If you are interested to see the beautiful views of nature and if you are a nature lover, then definitely go to see Vasudha Waterfall. You can take a tour of this place and you can capture the beautiful scenery with your camera, which can also be a part of your Instagram or Facebook reel or post. Know about the Shaktipeeth temple in the Maihar district of Madhya Pradesh. How to reach Vasudha Waterfall Katni To go Here, you have to come to Katni City first because this beautiful waterfall can be reached only through Katni. This waterfall is located in Vasudha village, 35 km away from Katni. Katni’s famous railway station is Katni Junction and Mudwara Junction from where trains leave for every major city of India. Click here to know about the very famous Maa Jalpa Devi temple, Katni. You can also come to Katni by bus. Katni Road facility is connected to every major city in India. Click here to know about other tourist places in Bilhari, Katni. Address and Google map of Vasudha Waterfall Katni Address: Road, Rithi, Basudha, Madhya Pradesh 483501 Click here to know about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. Know about Badera Chaturyug Dham Temple. Click for Details Images of Vasudha Waterfall Katni Interesting information about the Katni City of Madhya Pradesh. Click Here Other places to visit are near Vasudha Waterfall Katni. Suramya Park, Kataye Ghat. NEELKANTHESWAR BHAKTI DHAM, SALAIYA PADKHURI, VIJAYRAGHAVGARH, KATNI. Jagrirti Park, Madhav Nagar, Katni. Badera Chaturyug Dham Vijayraghavgarh Fort Maa Vaishnav Devi Dhaam, Village Sungarha. Vishnu Varah Temple Karanpur Roopnath Dhaam Kamakandla Fort, Bilhari, Katni Maihar (Maa Sharda Temple) Maa Jalpa Devi Katni Laxmi Narayan Temple Katni Click here to know the history of Madan Mahal Fort. Click here to know about Mahakaleshwar Jyotirling of Ujjain. Know about Golden Temple Amritsar. Click for Details Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Neelkantheswar Bhakti Dham Temple is a sacred and famous religious place located in Salaiya Village, Padkhuri, Katni, Madhya Pradesh. This temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and here he is called Neelkantheshwar. This temple and its premises are very attractive and beautiful. Devotees come here daily for darshan, but there is a huge crowd during Mahashiv Ratri. Special worship is organized here on Shivratri, in which many devotees come. A fair is also organized here on this day. This temple is also known as Neelkanth Mahadev temple. Click here to know about Roopnath Dham Bahoriband. The credit for the construction of this temple goes to Madan Lal Grover, who is a very big businessman in Katni City and he has his mines and kiln in Saliya Village. Madan Lal Grover and his family also come to worship in Mahashiv Ratri. Know about Badera Chaturyug Dham Temple. Click for Details Apart from Lord Shiva, there are also temples of Lord Hanuman, Lord Ganesha, Mother Durga, and twelve Jyotirlingas here. Click to know about the beautiful Jagriti Park (Garden) of Katni Madhya Pradesh. History of Neelkantheshwar Bhakti Dham Salaiya, Katni The foundation of Neelkantheshwar Bhakti Dham was laid in the decade of 1989-90. And the village in which it was established is known as Sailiya Padkhuri Village. Which is about 21 less far from Katni, it is 16 less far from Vijayraghavhar. At the time of its establishment, there was a small temple of Lord Shiva here, but later this temple was developed by Mr. Madan Lal Grover. Click here to know about Jabalpur’s Waterfall Bhedaghat. Apart from Lord Neelkanth, there are also temples of Lord Ganesha, Lord Hanuman, Goddess Durga Mata, Lord Pashupati Nath, Lord Ram Sita, and twelve Jyotirlingas. Click for information about Kankali Devi Temple Tigwa. 12 Jyotirling Darshan We all Hindus know about the twelve Jyotirlingas of Lord Shiva, which are located in different states of India. If you want to visit these Jyotirlingas, then you have to visit all these places which is not so easy for everyone. But now you can see all those twelve Jyotirlingas by going to Neelkantheshwar bhakti dham temple and seeing the twelve divine forms of Lord Shiva. Interesting information about the Katni City of Madhya Pradesh. Click Here Address and Google map of Neelkantheshwar Bhakti Dham, Salaiya Katni Address: Neelkanth Mahadev Temple, Salaiya Paharhai, Madhya Pradesh Know about the Shaktipeeth temple in the Maihar district of Madhya Pradesh. Click here to know about the very famous Maa Jalpa Devi temple, Katni. Images of Neelkanth Mahadev Mandir Click here to know about other tourist places in Bilhari, Katni. Other places to visit are near Neelkantheshwar Bhakti Dham Temple. Suramya Park, Kataye Ghat. Jagrirti Park, Madhav Nagar, Katni. Badera Chaturyug Dham Vijayraghavgarh Fort Maa Vaishnav Devi Dhaam, Village Sungarha. Vishnu Varah Temple Karanpur Roopnath Dhaam Kamakandla Fort, Bilhari, Katni Maihar (Maa Sharda Temple) Click here to know about Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga located in Khandwa, Indore. Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Champa Gali Saket Delhi is a wonderful place for young couples and youth of Delhi and is the best chilling point. Located in Saket, Delhi, this place is situated in a village named Saidulajab. Small cafes and restaurants with creative and beautiful decorations and unique designs here attract the attention of all the people. Until some time ago, people used to get attracted to the places like Hauj Khas and Connaught Place, but all these places are very crowded. Instead, Delhi’s Champa Gali provides a very relaxed and peaceful environment to the youth, due to which young couples and young married couples and youths come to this place. Click here to know details about Uttara Swami Malai Temple Champa Gali Small Cafe The small cafes and restaurants located here and the delicious food available in them and their beautiful ambiance are very pleasing. The delicious food and dishes here remain according to your budget and do not affect your pocket much. Famous cafes here are Jagmag Thela, Baari Cafe, Soho Bistro & Cafe, Social Street Cafe, Red Bricks Cafe, and Social Street Cafe. Apart from coffee cafes and restaurants, you can enjoy music, songs, and dance, here Dream Catchers Cafe and Foresta Bistro & Cafe can enjoy both music and food. There are many more unique cafes here, where you can enjoy reading a book in the library along with coffee. Apart from this, you can also buy handmade items and jewelry, and many other items here. The creative studios here also grab your attention. Know about the biggest and most attractive Hanuman Ji temple in Delhi. Champa Gali is now becoming very popular in Delhi, it becomes very beautiful and spectacular at night. If you are planning to go somewhere with your partner, then Champgalli will be a very nice and good experience and go here only after 7 pm because the night view is very beautiful. Beautiful night view of Champagali, Saket, Delhi. Although the view of Champagali is always very good, at night it looks beautiful like heaven. So if you are planning to visit here then go at night only because the view of lights and decorations here at night will make your evening memorable. Click here to know about Jantar Mantar Delhi Famous cafes and restaurants of Champagali, Saket, Delhi. Baari Cafe Champagali’s Bari Cafe is very beautiful. This cafe is decorated so beautifully with beautiful green trees, plants, and artificial designs that it looks amazing. The walls of this cafe are painted with blue color and green tone. You will like the delicious food here and it will also be according to your budget. The furniture and seating area here and the decorations around it are very pleasing. Click on the link to know about Gurdwara Bangla Sahib. Here you will find Pizza, burgers, Chicken burgers, French Fries, and many more items but their special Grand Indian Chicken Burger, Grilled Paneer Sandwich, Spinach, and Cheese Omelette are great. Address: Champa Gali Lane, 3, Westend Marg, Saiyad ul Ajaib, Saket, New Delhi, Delhi 110030 Price: Rs.1100 for two people. Opening Time: 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Click here to know about Hauz Khas Fort, Delhi. Jugmug Thela If you want to spend a long time with your friend or girlfriend or boyfriend or want to have a long talk then Champagali’s Jugmug Thela is the best. Jugmug Thela is one of the best cafes here and the talk of delicious food is different. Click to know about Yogmaya Temple Delhi. The Vietnamese coffee here is one of the best dishes here. Apart from this, there are many options like Pizza, Pasta, Sandwiches, Noodles, Coffee, Cold Coffee, and many options for dessert. Address: Shed#4, Khasra#258 Westend Marg, Lane#3, behind Kuldeep House, Saiyad ul Ajaib, New Delhi, Delhi 110030 Price: Rs.1200 for two people. Opening Time: 11 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Dream Catchers Cafe If you want to click beautiful photos for your Instagram account and want to enjoy delicious food together then Champgalli’s Dream Catcher Cafe is the best. The decoration of this cafe is very beautiful, as well as there are many selfie points in this cafe where you can click your photo or take a selfie. Know about Agrasen’s Baoli. Click here. The delicious food and beautiful ambiance here will make your day memorable. The Butter Chicken Spring Roll and Spinach, Corn & Cheese Cigar are the best dishes here, apart from this many other delicious dishes are available here. Chilli Potato, Crispy Corn, Pizza, Burger, Dal Makhani, Chilli Paneer, and Hakka Noodles are also available here. Click here to know about Dakshin Delhi Kalibari temple Address: Khasra#258, Westend Marg, Behind Kuldeep House, Saiyad ul Ajaib, Lane#3, New Delhi, Delhi 110030. Price: Rs.1400 for two people. Opening Time: 11 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Apart from this, Four Direction, Cafe Dosti, Bella Vie, Majnu Ka Tila, Soho Bistro & Cafe are other cafes where you can enjoy your wonderful evening with the tasters. Click here for complete information about National Zoological Park Delhi. Nearest metro station for Champagali Saket Delhi. Saket metro station is the nearest metro station to Champagali, Saket. Click here to know about Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga located in Khandwa, Indore. How to reach Champagali Saket Delhi. Saket metro station is the nearest metro station to Champagali, Saket. Champagali is 10 minutes away from Saket Metro, you can also take an auto or taxi from here. Click here for interesting information about Red Fort. Address and Google map of Champa Gali Saket Delhi Click here to know about ISKCON Temple. Address: Khasra 258, Lane, Number 3, Westend Marg, Behind Kuldeep House, Saidulajab, Saket, New Delhi, Delhi 110030 Click here for History of Taj Mahal Images of Champa Gali, Saket, Delhi Click here to know about Tughlaqabad Fort Delhi. Other tourist places in Delhi Click here to know about Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga located in Khandwa, Indore. Click to know about the beautiful waterfalls of Jabalpur. If you have come to Delhi to see Champagali, then definitely see Delhi in Places. Red Fort Lotus Temple Akshardham Temple Kalka ji temple, Delhi Humayun Tomb Rashtrapati Bhavan Garden of Five Senses Qutub Minar Jama Masjid Tughlakabad Fort, Delhi National Museum Connaught Place shopping Gurudwara Bangla Sahib Ji Lodhi Garden Jantar Mantar Dilli haat INA Shri Laxmi Narayan Temple (Birla Mandir) National Gallery of Modern Art Safdarjung Tomb National Zoological Park Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary Indira Gandhi Memorial Museum ISKCON Temple Delhi-Glory Of India & Vedic Cultural Centre, New Delhi Deer Park Shree Adya Katyayani Shaktipeeth Mandir Waste to Wonder Theme Park Shree Hanuman Temple Adham Khan’s Tomb Amar Jawan Jyoti Sultanpur National Park Click here to know about the Metro Museum, Delhi. To know about Mahakaleshwar Jyotirling of Ujjain click. Click here to know about Delhi Handcrafted Bazaar Dilli Haat. Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Delhi, which is called the heart of India, is a wonderful and unique city in itself and what makes it unique is the ancient and modern religious places here. Only one of these religious places is going to tell them about 108 feet high Hanuman Ji idol and temple. This Hanuman ji idol of Jhandewalan is the second biggest idol in the world and the whole temple is also built inside this idol. Click here to know about ISKCON Temple. Sankat Mochan Hanuman Temple, also known as Jhandewalan Hanuman Temple, located in Karol Bagh, Delhi, is the world’s second-largest Hanuman ji idol temple. Apart from being the idol of Hanuman Ji, it is also a temple that has been built inside the idol of Hanuman Ji. The construction of the temple was done by the late Mahant Naga Baba Sevagir Ji Maharaj. Click here to know about Jantar Mantar Delhi It is also a very famous tourist destination in Delhi, its popularity can also be gauged from the fact that this temple has been featured in many TV serials and films. Apart from Lord Hanuman, the temple also has idols of Lord Ram Sita, Shiva Parvati, Radha Krishna, Vishnu Laxmi, Sai Baba, Goddess Durga, and Lord Ganesha. A cave of Mata Vaishnav Devi has also been made here, which is built in the lower part of this temple. This is a 3-story temple, on each floor of which there is a temple of different goddesses Vedas and their idols are in place, in the last floor of the temple there is also a Manchmukhi (Five headed) statue of lord Hanuman. Click here to know details about Uttara Swami Malai Temple History of Jhandewalan Hanuman Temple The credit goes to the late Mahant Naga Baba Sevagiri Maharaj for making the idol of this Hanuman ji and the temple built under it. Today, where there is a huge statue of Sankat Mochan Hanuman Ji, earlier there used to be a small temple here and Baba Sevagir Ji Maharaj used to do penance here. One day, Hanuman Ji came to Baba’s dream and told him to make a statue for him, and he came to his dreams again and again then baba took the decision to make a huge statue of Hanuman. Click for information about India Gate. After this, Baba along with his disciples started the construction work of this temple. Its construction started in 1994 and it took 13 years to build the entire idol and its shrine and was completed in 2007. Click to know about Yogmaya Temple Delhi. This temple is located in the Karol Bagh area and the metro line is also near it. Passengers traveling by metro visit this idol daily. Click here to know about Dakshin Delhi Kalibari temple This is the second-largest Hanuman idol in the world The idol of Hanuman ji of Jhandewalan is the second largest idol in the world, its height is 108 feet. Andhra Pradesh’s Veer Abhay Anjani Hanuman Swamy idol is the world’s largest Hanuman ji idol, after that Jhandewalan idol is the second largest Hanuman ji idol. If you want to read about Qutub Minar then click here. This idol has also been shown in many films and TV serials. The fame of this Sankat Mochan Hanuman temple is so much that it has got good recognition in Delhi city. The fame of this temple can be gauged from the fact that now this temple is shown in TV shows, serials, and movies and this place is chosen for shooting. Click on the link to know about Gurdwara Bangla Sahib. Delhi Traffic and Municipal Corporation wanted to demolish this statue several times. Attempts have been made to break and damage this temple many times. Several times the Municipal Corporation of Delhi tried to demolish and remove this temple on the allegation of Kanhi road construction and Kanhi encroachment, but all their efforts failed. Click here to know about Delhi Sarojini Market. Nearest Metro station to Jhandewalan Hanuman temple Jhandewalan Metro Station is the nearest metro station to reach Jhandewalan Hanuman Mandir. Click here to know about Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga located in Khandwa, Indore. How to reach Jhandewalan Hanuman Temple By Air: If you want to come to Jhandewalan Hanuman Temple by air, then Indira Gandhi International Airport here is the best and it is connected to all the cities of India. Jhandewalan Hanuman Temple is 12.3 km away from the airport. You can easily reach here by taking a taxi from the airport. Click here to know about the Nishat Garden of Srinagar. By Train: There are 2 famous railway stations to reach Jhandewalan Hanuman Temple by train, the first is the New Delhi railway station and the second is the Nizamuddin railway station both of these stations are from every city in India. The distance between New Delhi station and Jhandewalan Hanuman Temple is 2.3 km, whereas from Nizamuddin it is only 11.3 km. Click to know about the Janmabhoomi Temple of Shri Krishna. By Bus: If you want to come to Jhandewalan Hanuman Temple by Bus or Road, then you can come. Delhi City is well connected by road all over India. Click here to know about Mahakaleshwar Jyotirling of Ujjain. Best time to reach Jhandewalan Hanuman temple Jhandewalan Hanuman temple is known as a major tourist and holy destination located in Delhi. Talking about the best time to visit here, you can plan to visit here between October to March. Because the temperature rises very much during the summer days in Delhi, which can cause you a lot of trouble. Click here to know about Hauz Khas Fort, Delhi. If you want to avoid the cold, then you should not travel here even in December and January. Because at this time there is a significant drop in temperature here. By the way, let us tell you that you can visit Jhandewalan Hanuman temple anytime throughout the year, choose the right time for yourself. Click here to know about Tughlaqabad Fort Delhi. Address and Google map of Jhandewalan Temple Delhi Address: 324, Saraswati Marg, Block 44Q, Beadonpura, Karol Bagh, New Delhi, Delhi 110005 Click here to know about the Kheer Bhawani Temple, Jammu. Images of Jhandewalan Hanuman Temple Delhi Click here to know about Mahakaleshwar Jyotirling of Ujjain. Other tourist places in Delhi Click here to know about Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga located in Khandwa, Indore. Click to know about the beautiful waterfalls of Jabalpur. If you have come to Delhi to see Jhandewalan Hanuman Temple, then definitely see Delhi in Places. Red Fort Lotus Temple Akshardham Temple Kalka ji temple, Delhi Humayun Tomb Rashtrapati Bhavan Garden of Five Senses Qutub Minar Jama Masjid Tughlakabad Fort, Delhi National Museum Connaught Place shopping Gurudwara Bangla Sahib Ji Lodhi Garden Jantar Mantar Dilli haat INA Shri Laxmi Narayan Temple (Birla Mandir) National Gallery of Modern Art Safdarjung Tomb National Zoological Park Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary Indira Gandhi Memorial Museum ISKCON Temple Delhi-Glory Of India & Vedic Cultural Centre, New Delhi Deer Park Shree Adya Katyayani Shaktipeeth Mandir Waste to Wonder Theme Park Shree Hanuman Temple Adham Khan’s Tomb Amar Jawan Jyoti Sultanpur National Park Click here to know about the Metro Museum, Delhi. To know about Mahakaleshwar Jyotirling of Ujjain click. Click here to know about Delhi Handcrafted Bazaar Dilli Haat. Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Delhi’s Jantar Mantar is one of the major tourist places in India and Delhi City. This tourist place is very special and unique because it is a scientific observatory that was built to know the time and to find out the movement and position and speed of the planets. This is one of the famous places of Delhi where thousands of people come every day to see it. Its construction was done by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh second of Jaipur and its construction took place in 1724. The main objective of the construction of Jantar Mantar was to get accurate information about the planets and to get an accurate estimation of the time. Apart from Delhi’s Jantar Mantar, Maharaj Sawai Jai Singh also got it done in Jaipur, Mathura, Ujjain, and Varanasi. But with the current situation, Jaipur’s scientific observatory has been singled out, all the other scientific observatories have suffered a lot and Mathura’s scientific observatory has been destroyed since 1850. Click here to know about Dakshin Delhi Kalibari temple History of Jantar Mantar Delhi The history of Delhi’s Jantar Mantar is very interesting. Jantar Mantar of Delhi was built by King Jai Singh in 1724. It took a long time of 10 years to build it and it was completed in 1734. The main purpose of building this observatory was to obtain accurate knowledge of the movements of the planets and their position and composition. Click here to know details about Uttara Swami Malai Temple Another reason for its construction was that during the reign of Mohammad Shah, there was a dispute between Hindu and Muslim astronomers regarding the position of the planets and their information. To end this dispute, Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh got Jantar Mantar constructed in Delhi. Know about Agrasen’s Baoli. Click here. What was the main objective of building Jantar Mantar Delhi? Jantar Mantar is an astronomical and scientific observatory in which many instruments have been built. Through this, it is done to know the position of planets and stars and to study them deeply. There are many astronomical instruments in this observatory, through which even today the study of the Sun, stars, and planets is done. Click for information about India Gate. Samrat Yantra, Egyptian Yantra, Ram Yantra, and Jai Prakash Yantra are available in Delhi’s Jantar Mantar. Click here to know about Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga located in Khandwa, Indore. Opening and closing times of Jantar Mantar Delhi 6 am – 6 pm ( All Days of the week). If you want to read about Qutub Minar then click here. Entry Fee of Jantar Mantar Delhi Jantar Mantar entry fee is Rs. 20 rupees per person for Indian tourists while the ticket price for foreign tourists is 200 per person. Click here for interesting information about Red Fort. How to reach Jantar Mantar Delhi? By Air: If you want to come to Jantar Mantar by air, then Indira Gandhi International Airport here is the best and it is connected to all the cities of India. Jantar Mantar is 12.6 km away from the airport. You can easily reach here by taking a taxi from the airport. Click here to know about the Nishat Garden of Srinagar. By Train: There are 2 famous railway stations to reach Jantar Mantar by train, the first is the New Delhi railway station and the second is the Nizamuddin railway station both of these stations are from every city in India. The distance between New Delhi station and Jantar Mantar is 2.2 km, whereas from Nizamuddin it is only 7.9 km. Click to know about the Janmabhoomi Temple of Shri Krishna. By Bus: If you want to come to Jantar Mantar by Bus or Road, then you can come. Delhi City is well connected by road all over India. Click here to know about Mahakaleshwar Jyotirling of Ujjain. Nearest Metro station of Jantar Mantar Janpath metro and Rajiv Chow metro station is the nearest metro station to Jantar Mantar. Jantar Mantar is only 1 km away from here. Click here to know about ISKCON Temple. Best time to visit Jantar Mantar Delhi. Jantar Mantar which is known as a major tourist destination located in Delhi. Talking about the best time to visit here, you can plan to visit here between October to March. Because the temperature rises very much during the summer days in Delhi, which can cause you a lot of trouble. Click here to know about Hauz Khas Fort, Delhi. If you want to avoid the cold, then you should not travel here even in December and January. Because at this time there is a significant drop in temperature here. By the way, let us tell you that you can visit Jantar Mantar anytime throughout the year, choose the right time for yourself. Click here to know about Tughlaqabad Fort Delhi. Address and Google map of Jantar Mantar Delhi Address: J6G8+RMC, Connaught Place, Sansad Marg, New Delhi, Delhi 110001. Click to know about Yogmaya Temple Delhi. Images of Jantar Mantar Delhi Click here for complete information about National Zoological Park Delhi. Other Tourist Places near Jantar Mantar Delhi Malai Temple Delhi Qutub Minar Garden Of Five Senses Bhool Bhulaiya Mehrauli Archaeological Park Jahaz Mahal Alai Minar Darya Khan Tomb Rajon Ki Baoli Zafar Mahal Sanjay Van Lake Jamali Kamali Tomb Iltutmishs Tomb Tomb of Balban Muhammad Quli Khan Tomb Tomb of Azim Khan Tomb of Adham Khan AllaudinS Tomb and Madrasa Tomb of Imam Zamin Bade Mandir Lal Mahal Hauz I Shamsi Chattarpur Mandir Click for information about Kankali Devi Temple Tigwa. Please follow and like us: Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Delhi is such a city in India that it was the center of power and governance since ancient times. Delhi was ruled by many kings and foreign rulers. Some rulers came here with the intention of robbery and went away after looting valuables from there. And some ruler came here and after seeing the beauty of this place and the smart city, he started ruling here and changed the rule of the kingdom according to his own opinion. Click here to know about Hauz Khas Fort, Delhi. Some of these rulers had also built their own cities. From ancient times till now 7 major cities have been built and among them, the first and main city which is known as Qila Rai Pithora is going to tell you about it. Qila Rai Pithora was the first city of Delhi and this city was very prosperous and secure. This city was established by Anagpal, the ruler of the Tomar dynasty. At that time this city was known as Lal Kot. Click here to know about Agrasen Ki Baoli. Rule of the Chauhan dynasty After a few years, the Tomar dynasty was defeated by the Chauhan dynasty, and Lal Kot was taken into its possession. Later this fort was expanded by the great emperor Prithviraj Chauhan of the Chauhan dynasty. Prithviraj Chauhan built the fort, fort, and monument here. Prithviraj Chauhan was also known as Raipithora. That is why this fort is known as Qila Rai Pithora. Qila Rai Pithora was a flourishing city but over time many parts of this fort were changed due to invasions by invaders and after Prithviraj Chauhan’s defeat by Muhammad Ghori in 1192 when Delhi was ruled by the Muslim Sasans. Click for information about Uttara Swami Malai Temple. Today this fort some parts of this city have become dilapidated and destroyed, and some parts have remained and are being conserved. Parts of the wall and fort of this city are still found in Maroli, Saket, and Vansh Kunj areas. Click here to know about Tughlaqabad Fort Delhi. Why is it called Qila Rai Pithora? The expansion and construction of Qila Rai Pithora were under Prithviraj Chauhan. Prithviraj Chauhan is also known as Raipithora. Due to the development and construction by Prithviraj Chauhan, it got recognition as Qila Raipithora and it is called Qila Raipithora. Click to know about Yogmaya Temple Delhi. History of Qila Rai Pithora Ancient Delhi was ruled by the Tomar dynasty around the 12th century. During the Tomar dynasty, Delhi was also known as Lalkot. Later Tomar dynasty was defeated by the Chauhan dynasty and the rule of the Chauhan dynasty was established in Delhi. Chouhan Rajvansh expanded the city a lot during his reign. King Prithviraj Chouhan is the most powerful and brave king of the dynasty. Prithviraj Chauhan had expanded this fort a lot. He had built many bastions, forts, and huge walls. Prithviraj Chauhan was known as Rai Pithora, hence the name of this fort was also named Qila Rai Pithora. Click here for complete information about National Zoological Park Delhi. Later in 1192, Prithviraj Chauhan was defeated by Mohammad Ghori in the Battle of Tarayan and Delhi was occupied by the Muslim Empire. Mohammad Ghori had given his kingdom of India to Qutbuddin Aibak who was his servant. In this way, the rule of the slave dynasty started in Delhi and Qutubuddin Aibak was the first king of the slave dynasty. Click for Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga Temple details. Interesting facts about Qila Rai Pithora Qila Rai Pithora is also known as Lal Kot. Qila Rai Pithora is the prosperous first city of Delhi. This fort was built and expanded by the Chauhan king Prithviraj. This fort was won by the Chauhan dynasty from the Tomato dynasty. In ancient times this city was also known as Yoginipur. Click here to know about the Nishat Garden of Srinagar. Address and a google map of Qila Rai Pithora Address: 1, Press Enclave Marg, Kutub Golf Course, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110017 Click here to know about the Roopnath Temple of Madhya Pradesh. Images of Qila Rai Pithora Click here to know about the Kheer Bhawani Temple, Jammu. Other Tourist Places near Qila Rai Pithora Delhi Malai Temple Delhi Qutub Minar Garden Of Five Senses Bhool Bhulaiya Mehrauli Archaeological Park Jahaz Mahal Alai Minar Darya Khan Tomb Rajon Ki Baoli Zafar Mahal Sanjay Van Lake Jamali Kamali Tomb Iltutmishs Tomb Tomb of Balban Muhammad Quli Khan Tomb Tomb of Azim Khan Tomb of Adham Khan AllaudinS Tomb and Madrasa Tomb of Imam Zamin Bade Mandir Lal Mahal Hauz I Shamsi Chattarpur Mandir Click for information about Kankali Devi Temple Tigwa. Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]
Tughluqabad fort Delhi was an ancient fort of the city of Delhi and the third largest inhabited city of Delhi. Tughlaqabad is the third city among the historical cities of Delhi City, which was built by Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq, the founder of the Tughlaq dynasty. This fort is spread over a vast area, it can also be estimated from the fact that it is built in an area of 6 km. There are huge high walls in this fort, and many bastions and small palaces were also built, but today this fort is in a dilapidated condition, all parts of which are broken and in very bad condition. Despite being in such a bad condition, it shows the beauty and art of the Tughlaq dynasty and Islamic culture and sally in a very brilliant color. Click for information about India Gate. Tughluqabad Qila in Delhi is a mausoleum like this one, which is in a safe condition and is also very beautiful to look at. There are 3 Samadhi inside this mausoleum. Gayasuddin Tughlaq and his son and wife are buried in these tombs. Tughluqabad Delhi is also a historical fort and a famous tourist place, if you love history and like to see old forts and buildings, you must go here. Click here to know about ISKCON Temple. History of Tughluqabad Fort Tughlakabad Fort Delhi The fort of Tughlaqabad was built by Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq in 1321 AD. He got this fort done to avoid the Mongol invaders. The construction work of this fort went on for about 4 years and its construction was completed in 1325 AD. The construction work of this fort was done in a rocky area. This whole area is surrounded by forests and stones. Click here to know about Delhi Handcrafted Bazaar Dilli Haat. It is also said that Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq, whose real name is Ghazi Malik, was formerly a feudatory of the Khilji rulers. Gasuddin always had the desire to build a city of his own in Delhi and build a huge fort. A time also came when he started his own rule by defeating the Khilji rulers from Delhi and laid the foundation of the Tughlaq dynasty. After taking over Delhi, Ghiyasuddin started the work of this fort in 1321 and its construction was completed in 1325. This was the fort of his dreams. If you want to read about Qutub Minar then click here. But this fort did not remain unoccupied for long, as it is said that this fort was cursed by a Muslim Sufi saint. It is said that this fort was abandoned after 15 years of its construction and it remained deserted and empty. Click here for interesting information about Red Fort. Along with this fort, Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq also constructed Tukhlaq Road, which is today known as Mehroli Badarpur Road. Click here to know about Hauz Khas Fort, Delhi. The architecture of Tughlaqabad Fort Tughlakabad Fort New Delhi However, today the qila of Tughlaqabad is very dilapidated condition and struggling to stay standing., If you look at its modern form, This is a huge fort that is spread over an area of ​​6 km. This huge fort and its construction reflect the Islamic art style and its unique advanced art and architecture. Even today some parts of this fort are left after being dilapidated, which are standing on this land. Click here to know about Agrasen Ki Baoli. The walls spread around this fort and their sloping parts covered with dust show the awesomeness of this fort. The height of these massive walls ranges from 10 to 15 meters, which is as high as a 2-story building. During its construction, there were 52 gates in this fort for a few years, but now only 13 gates are left here. Click for information about Uttara Swami Malai Temple. Every kind of comfort and sanity was present in this city. Here there was a market, water tanks, and a separate place for the people of the Tughlaq dynasty to stay. There were also many underground rooms here, whose remains are still present today. Big bastions were also built here, from which monitoring was done and the enemy could be attacked with cannons. Click here to know about the Metro Museum, Delhi. The construction of Tughlaqabad and its architecture can be understood in this way. Tughlakabad Ka qila Here the highest point of the citadel built with the tower is called Bijai Mandal. All the urban areas here were built with a rectangular grid. The lower part of the tower here, which was called Asana Mahal, was built for the royal and dynasty people of the palace. The dilapidated parts of this palace are still present today. Click to know about Yogmaya Temple Delhi. This fort and city could never be settled because of the curse. Tughlakabad Ka Old Fort It is believed that the Tughlaqabad fort of Delhi has not been used to date because it was cursed by a famous Sufi Fakir Saint Nizamuddin Olia. According to the people, Gayasuddin Tughlak wanted to build his new fort of Tughlaqabad and was so excited that he ordered that all the workers of Delhi would only work in the construction of the fort. Click here for complete information about National Zoological Park Delhi. At the same time, Muslim Sufi saint Nizamuddin Olia was getting his well constructed but all the laborers were engaged in the construction of the fort due to which the work of his well was stopped. Due to the stoppage of the work of the well, the saint became very angry and in anger, he cursed that this fort would never be inhabited. He said ‘Hanoj Delhi door Ast’ or ‘Delhi is far away. He said that this city of Delhi will never be able to settle down and only the natives of this place will remain here and Gujjars will rule here. Click on the link to know about Gurdwara Bangla Sahib. Today the fort of Tughlaqabad is in a dilapidated condition. Gayasuddin Dynasty New Delhi This heritage of the Tughlaq dynasty, which shows the pride and affection of the advanced city of that time, is passing through a very bad condition today. Now this fort and many of its parts are almost destroyed and in the coming few years it will probably be destroyed completely. They need proper maintenance and care. Some parts of it have been preserved but some parts where wild shrubs and trees have taken over. Tughlakabad village is also situated inside this fort. A part of the south is still alive today where a mausoleum and a garden have been built, in this mausoleum Gayasuddin and his son and wife are buried. Click here to know about Delhi Handcrafted Bazaar Dilli Haat. Interesting facts about Tughluqabad Fort. Delhi Tughlakabad Fort This fort is believed to be haunted. Many people have felt the presence of negative energy and powers here. Famous Sufi saint Nijjamudin Olia had cursed this fort that this fort and its city would never be settled. Huge and grand stairs were built at this fort entrance so that one could enter this fort with elephants. At the time of construction, 52 entrances were made in this fort, but now only 13 entrances are left in it. Earlier many water tanks were present here but now there are only 7 water tanks. The construction of this fort was completed in 4 years but it was abandoned only after 10 years of its construction. Click here to know about Delhi Sarojini Market. Things to keep in mind while visiting Tughluqabad. There is no good food shop near Tughlaqabad fort, so if you are going here, bring your food and drink from home. Monkeys are found here in large numbers, so keep your belongings carefully. Monkeys can run away with your belongings. This fort and its area are very big, that’s why there are always rogues and thieves roaming here, so you should come here with complete preparation and safety. Keep your purse and mobile, camera carefully. If you come here in the summer season, then definitely bring a water bottle and cap with you. This fort is built in a rocky and thorny area, so come here wearing sturdy shoes. Know about the Shaktipeeth temple in the Maihar district of Madhya Pradesh. Timing of Tughluqabad Fort Delhi Tughlakabad Fort remains open for the general public from 7 am to 5 pm. Click for Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga Temple details. Entry Fee of Tughluqabad Fort Delhi For Indian tourists: Rs 20 per personRs 200 for foreign touristsWhile there is no entry fee for children below 15 years. Click to know about the beautiful Park (Garden) of Katni Madhya Praadesh. Best time to visit Tughluqabad fort Delhi. By the way, you can visit Tughlaqabad Fort on any day of the year. But if we talk about the best, then November to February is the best time. The weather here is cool and pleasant during this time. The rest of the time, there is a lot of summer and rainy season here. Click here to know about the beautiful temples of Khajuraho. How to reach Tughluqabad Fort? By Air: If you want to come to Tughluqabad fort by air, then Indira Gandhi International Airport here is the best and it is connected to all the cities of India. Tughluqabad fort is 18.5 km away from the airport. You can easily reach here by taking a taxi from the airport. Click here to know about the Nishat Garden of Srinagar. By Train: There are 2 famous railway stations to reach Tughluqabad fort by train, the first is the new Delhi railway station and the second is the Nizamuddin railway station both of these stations are from every city in India. The distance between New Delhi station and Tughluqabad fort is 19.2 km, whereas from Nizamuddin it is only 13.3 km. Click to know about the Janmabhoomi Temple of Shri Krishna. By Bus: If you want to come to Tughluqabad fort by Bus or Road, then you can come. Delhi City is well connected by road all over India. Click here to know about Mahakaleshwar Jyotirling of Ujjain. Address and a google map of Tughlakabad Fort Address: Tughlaqabad Fort, Tughlakabad, New Delhi, Delhi 110044. Click here to know about Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga located in Khandwa, Indore. Images of Tughluqabad Fort Delhi. Click here to know about the Roopnath Temple of Madhya Pradesh. Other tourist places in Delhi If you have come to Delhi to see Tughluqabad Fort, then definitely see Delhi in Places. Red Fort Lotus Temple Akshardham Temple Kalka ji temple, Delhi Humayun Tomb Rashtrapati Bhavan Garden of Five Senses Qutub Minar Jama Masjid National Museum Connaught Place shopping Gurudwara Bangla Sahib Ji Lodhi Garden Jantar Mantar Dilli haat INA Shri Laxmi Narayan Temple (Birla Mandir) National Gallery of Modern Art Safdarjung Tomb National Zoological Park Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary Indira Gandhi Memorial Museum ISKCON Temple Delhi-Glory Of India & Vedic Cultural Centre, New Delhi Deer Park Shree Adya Katyayani Shaktipeeth Mandir Waste to Wonder Theme Park Shree Hanuman Temple Adham Khan’s Tomb Amar Jawan Jyoti Sultanpur National Park Click here to know about the Kheer Bhawani Temple, Jammu. Please follow and like us:220 20 [...]

डिस्क्लेमर (अस्वीकरण): ये खबर लोक मान्यताओं पर आधारित है। इस खबर में शामिल सूचना और तथ्यों की सटीकता, संपूर्णता के लिए उत्तरदायी नहीं है।

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